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Region Nordjylland

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a life- and limb-threatening condition caused by progressive atherosclerosis. It is prevalent among patients with low socioeconomic status, limited health literacy, and multimorbidity, who often face fragmented healthcare systems that are difficult to navigate. We are offering a Ph.D. fellowship for an epidemiological research project that aims to analyze care pathways for PAD patients and assess the impact of healthcare fragmentation on adherence, polypharmacy, and patient outcomes. The project seeks to evaluate how well the healthcare system and providers address the care needs, preferences, and treatment goals of patients with PAD.

About the organization
The Ph.D. fellow will be primarily affiliated with the Danish Center for Health Services Research, Aalborg University Hospital and Aalborg University. The center focuses on the quality of clinical care, including the implementation of evidence-based care, comparative effectiveness of clinical interventions, health economic evaluations, and quality improvement strategies. It is a well-established, multidisciplinary research environment encompassing high-level expertise in clinical epidemiology, biostatistics, and health economics, as well as a vibrant community of fellow Ph.D. candidates.

About the position
This externally funded Ph.D. fellowship is supported by a grant from The Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) and runs for three years, with an expected start in July 2025. The project will be conducted through a series of clinical epidemiological studies utilizing Danish national health registries, clinical quality databases, and supplemented by interviews with patients and healthcare professionals.

As a Ph.D. candidate, you will be enrolled in the Ph.D. program at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Aalborg University. In addition to research activities, your responsibilities will include participation in mandatory Ph.D. courses, teaching and mentoring students, attending international conferences and foreign research stays, and contributing to other research and educational activities at the Danish Center for Health Services Research.

You will be part of a highly qualified supervisory team with extensive expertise in diagnosis and treatment of PAD patients, epidemiology, biostatistics, and health services research.

Preferred qualifications
Candidates with research experience, particularly in registry-based research, epidemiology, and health economics, will be preferred.

Salary and Employment Terms
Please send a motivated application in English (max. 1 A4 page) along with a CV (including a list of publications, if applicable) no later than March 31, 2025.
Your application should be submitted electronically to Aalborg University Hospital and must include:

  • CV
  • Documentation of education
  • References/recommendations
  • Any other relevant documentation

Employment and compensation will be in accordance with ”overenskomst for akademikere i regionerne”. The position includes a three-month mutual probationary period.

Om Region Nordjylland
Vi er ca. 15.000 meget forskellige medarbejdere, der hver dag leverer velfærd til omkring 590.000 nordjyder inden for sundhed, regional udvikling og det specialiserede socialområde. Vi opfordrer alle kvalificerede til at søge jobbet - uanset etnisk baggrund, køn, seksuel orientering, handicap, religion eller alder. Læs mere om os på www.rn.dk.

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Region Nordjylland

Hovedkontor: Niels Bohrs Vej 30, 9220 Aalborg Ø

Regionens hovedopgave er det nordjyske sundhedsvæsen. Regionen har desuden et overordnet ansvar for den regionale udvikling og tager sig også af specialiserede opgaver på det sociale område og i forhold til handicappede børn og voksne.

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