Employment as a doctoral student in Media and Communication Studies: Working-Class Literary Storytelling
Malmö University
Reference number P 2025/701
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We are looking for
Doctoral student in Media and Communication Studies at the Faculty of Culture and Society, the School of Arts and Communication, focusing on working-class storytelling.
Work duties
Those appointed to an employment as av doctoral student shall primarily devote themselves to their studies. Those appointed to an employment as a doctoral student may, however, work to a limited extent with educational tasks, research, artistic research and administration, however, duties of this kind may not comprise more than 20 per cent of a full-time post (Chapter 5, Section 2 of the Higher Education Ordinance).
Those appointed to doctoral studentships shall primarily devote themselves to their studies. Those appointed to doctoral studentships may work to a limited extent with educational tasks, research, artistic research, and administration. However, duties of this kind may not comprise more than 20 per cent of a full-time post (Higher Education Ordinance (HEO) Chapter 5, section 2).
The doctoral education concludes with a doctoral degree and comprises 240 credits, which corresponds to four years of full-time study. The programme consists of courses and an independent research project that is presented in a doctoral thesis. As a doctoral student, you will be expected to play an active part in the research and educational environment and, when applicable, in the research programmes of the Department/School.
The doctoral education is carried out within the academic knowledge environment of storytelling at the School of Arts and Communication. Within this environment, there is strong research on the relationship between primarily aesthetic culture, society and politics. An important part of this research is primarily about Swedish working-class literature from various times, media and genres. The doctoral student's thesis project should be related to and contribute to the development of this research, for example by exploring one of the following problem complexes/themes:
- Swedish (or Nordic) workers' literature beyond the book – for example, in the labour movement press, on the internet, in cartoons.
- Swedish (or Nordic) working-class literature beyond fiction – for example, documentary texts.
- Swedish (or Nordic) working-class literature within fiction.
To be admitted to doctoral studies, the applicant must meet the general and specific entry requirements of the subject in question. Moreover, the applicant must be deemed capable of assimilating the education.
General entry requirements for doctoral studies and study programmes (HEO Chapter 7 Section 39) have those who:
- has been awarded a doctoral studie qualification
- has satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second-cycle, or
- has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.
Specific entry requirements for doctoral studies and study programmes have those who:
knowledge and skills equivalent to a second-cycle degree in Media and Communication Studies or in another subject of relevance to Media and Communication Studies, or who have acquired equivalent knowledge, either in Sweden or abroad.
Selection criteria
Selection among applicants who meet the general and specific entry requirements shall be made with regard to their capacity to assimilate the education (HEO Chapter 7 Section 41).
General selection criteria
- Independent analysis and approach in previous work.
- Problem formulation and precision in the attached research plan and previous work.
- Methodological and scholarly maturity.
- Communication and cooperation skills.
Specific selection criteria
- The relevance of the research plan in relation to working-class literary storytelling
- AbilitytocontributetoresearchonSwedishorNordicworking-class storytellingwithintheacademicenvironmentStorytelling
- abilitytomasterSwedish(orScandinavianlanguages)inspeechandwriting
Faculty, Department and Research environment
The Faculty of Culture and Society
The Faculty of Culture and Society is a multidisciplinary faculty that includes three departments: the Department of Global Political Studies (GPS) the School of Arts and Communication (K3) and the Department of Urban Studies (US). The faculty conducts doctoral studies in the following subjects: Global Politics, Interaction Design, International Migration and Ethnic Relations, Media and Communication Studies, Organisation Studies, and Urban Studies. The faculty hosts four of the university’s nine research centres. Read more about the Faculty of Culture and Society here.
School of Arts and Communication
The School of Arts and Communication (K3) has approximately 110 employees and 1200 students offering interdisciplinary education at ground, advanced and postgraduate level in media, the humanities and design. We are committed to creative, collaborative and critical research and education with strong public engagement. We combine traditional scientific and academic theory with artistic methods and practice-based work. Our activities take place within three academic environments (Storytelling, Media and Design) and in a number of research groups. The department also hosts the research center Imagining and Co-Creating Futures (ICF). The department offers research education in Interaction Design and Media and Communication Studies.
Read more about the department (K3), including our education, collaboration and research here.
Doctoral programme in Media and Communication Studies
Media and Communication Studies focuses on the meaning of media for culture, politics and society, and for people's thinking and everyday life, both from a historical and a contemporary perspective. The subject includes both traditional mass media and digital media. Media and Communication Studies is multidisciplinary with roots in the social sciences as well as the humanities. At the School of Arts and Communication, the subject also includes creative elements inspired by artistic and practice-based research.
Further information
Magnus Andersson, coordinator of doctoral education at the School of Arts and Communication, [email protected] // +46 40-665 79 16
Magnus Nilsson, professor in Comparative literature at the School of Arts and Communication, [email protected] // +46 40-665 72 29
In our recruitment work, Malmö University has taken a stand regarding recruitment channels and marketing. We therefore decline all offers of advertising and recruitment assistance in connection with this advertisement.
You can read more about the benefits of working in Sweden here: https://sweden.se/work-business/working-in-sweden/why-work-in-sweden
You apply for this position via Malmö University's recruitment system by clicking on the "Apply" button. As an applicant, you are responsible for ensuring that your application is completed in accordance with the job advertisement, and that it is submitted to the University no later than 22 April 2025. The application must be written in Swedish, English or any of the Scandinavian languages. As an applicant, you are responsible for the application and its appendices being translated.
The application must include:
- Curriculum Vitae with up to three professional references (including title, affiliation, email address, phone number, and the relationship to the applicant).
- Certified scans of diplomas, transcript of records and other certificates relevant for the position.
- A research plan of up to 3000 words excluding references. The research plan must contain an overall purpose, questions that the project intends to answer, an account of the theoretical framework and the methodological approach and a description of research material.
- Independent work at advanced level (including master thesis or equivalent).
- A personal letter up to 500 words.
Preparation of admission to postgraduate education and employment as a doctoral student take place in parallel. Only those who are or have been admitted to doctoral level courses and study programmes at a higher education may be appointed to doctoral studentships (HEO Chapter 5, section 3).
The doctoral studentship is a fixed-term position comprising four years of full-time studies, in accordance with the HEO Chapter 5, section 7. A doctoral student shall be employed for an indefinite period but for no longer than until a specified date, and never for longer than a year after the doctoral degree or artistic doctoral degree has been completed. The first appointment must be limited to one year at the most. The appointment can be extended by a maximum of two years at a time.
Malmö University actively promotes gender equality and equal opportunities in order to offer a workplace and a university characterised by an open and inclusive approach.
As part of this:
- Applicants of an underrepresented gender are given priority for admission, if they are equally able to benefit from the programme.
- Doctoral students with permanent disabilities are given the opportunity to receive support and adaptations during their studies, so that everyone can study on equal terms in a good study environment.
Malmö University is a workplace and higher education institution that is characterised by an open and inclusive approach, where gender equality and equal terms add value to our activities.
Employees who do not speak Swedish should learn Swedish in the long term so that they can participate in the daily and ongoing work of the institution or department.
Malmö University applies salary setting for doctoral students in accordance with a local agreement on salary setting for doctoral students.
If the admitted person requires a residence permit to live in Sweden and pursue their studies, the University reserves the right to revoke the admission decision if the admitted person cannot present a valid residence permit as required on the date they are due to commence their education.
Start date
Union representatives
SACO-S, Rebecka Johansson, [email protected]
OFR/ST, Martin Reissner, [email protected]
Doctoral Student Union representative
[email protected]
We are looking forward to receiving your application!
You apply no later than 22/04/2025 by clicking the apply button.
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