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Join our growing Corporate Finance business as a student worker


Company Description
With more than 3,000 employees, Deloitte is the largest audit and consultancy firm in Denmark. We tailor solutions across Audit, Tax, Financial Advisory Services, Enterprise Risk Services, Technology, and Transformations.

Job Description
The leading Corporate Finance adviser
As part of our highly specialised Financial Advisory Services, we are the leading M&A adviser in Denmark, having completed +125 transactions in the past 5 years. We are also the preferred partner for other financial challenges and opportunities; advising on debt-related transactions and analytical matters such as valuation, financial modelling, capital structure considerations and economic analysis. The clients we serve are private equity funds, business owners, and corporates across a broad range of industries.

We are +80 talented professionals located in Copenhagen and Aarhus. We work closely in project-based teams and cherish dedication and highly competent colleagues. You can expect leadership across all levels of seniority, while informality, inclusion, and sharing laughs at the office comes naturally to us.

We offer a unique career opportunity
As an analyst in Deloitte Corporate Finance Advisory, you will develop strong competencies across all our offerings. We solve a wide variety of complex tasks in a high-paced environment with significant exposure to top management teams and other key stakeholders.

You will embark on a steep learning curve with a high degree of flexibility – working at the intersection of finance and strategy.

You will be supporting our projects across M&A, valuation and financial modelling. The width of our offering presents a unique opportunity for you to build a broad skill set across disciplines and gain invaluable experience.

First and foremost, you are pleasant to be around and good with people. Naturally, we expect you to be ambitious, passionate about what you do and that you possess the drive to make things happen.

Considering the environment we work in, we expect you to be a results-driven top performer, demonstrating a high level of social intelligence and a strong team-oriented mindset.

You are currently studying a BSc or MSc, graduating in the summer of 2027 at the earliest. Your academic track record proves that you are among the top 10% of your class, and that you have a strong interest in corporate finance, financial statement analysis (and/or other relevant subjects) as well as a solid strategic understanding. Relevant work experience from previous student jobs in M&A or corporate finance is an advantage but not a requirement.

Additional Information
Do you want to be part of our team?

Click the "I am interested" button above if you are ready to join our team.

If we have caught your interest, please submit your application, CV and grade transcript(s) from both bachelor’s and, if applicable, master’s degree to us. All documentation should be provided in English no later than the 31 March 2025. We will be reviewing applications and conducting interviews on a rolling basis.

Expected start date: 01.05.2025

Please do not hesitate to contact Pil Celine Krogh Andersen, Director and Head of Talent at +45 22 26 66 12 if you have any questions about the position. We look forward to hearing from you!

We encourage all candidates to apply for the position regardless of, e.g., age, gender (gender identity and gender expression), sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, nationality, or disability.

By applying for this job, you will be assessed against the Deloitte Global Talent Standards. We have designed these standards to provide a consistent and exceptional Deloitte employee experience globally.

We look forward to connecting with you!

In Deloitte, you will find passionate, caring people who are curious by nature and striving to evolve. We value our different skills, perspectives and experiences and foster an environment where innovative powers thrive. To us, success is the feeling that the work we are doing will outlast us. The impact we make is not about what we achieve as individuals, but how we enable those around us to be their very best. From professional development to leadership opportunities, we empower our people to be extraordinary by playing to their strengths – because that is how we can make a difference.

Weidekampsgade 6 2300 København

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Hovedkontor: Weidekampsgade 6, 0900 København C

Deloitte er Danmarks og verdens største revisions- og rådgivningshus. Vi betjener et bredt udsnit af Danmarks erhvervsliv og skræddersyr løsninger på tværs af fagområder lokalt og globalt.

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