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Professor in social work related to children, youth, and families in vulnerable positions (2025-224-06265)

Aalborg Universitet (AAU)

Professor in social work related to children, youth, and families in vulnerable positions (2025-224-06265)

At the Department of Sociology and Social Work, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, a position as professor in social work related to children, youth, and families in vulnerable positions is available from July 1st 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The professor in social work related to children, youth, and families in vulnerable positions should contribute to the department’s national and international profile in relation to research on social work related to children, youth, and families in vulnerable positions. The professor is expected to take a leading role in developing excellence within this field of research.

This leading role includes contributing to the development of a strong internal collective research community, as well as engaging with external national and international stakeholders and partners to enable collaboration and external funding for projects. Moreover, it requires a strong commitment to shaping research communities characterized by high quality, inclusiveness, intellectual generosity, and a supportive and inspiring environment for PhD students(including PhD supervision), junior researchers, as well as more experienced researchers in social work in developing their academic careers.

The professor in social work related to children, youth, and families in vulnerable positions is expected to contribute to the development of the department’s existing study programs within social work, as well as to take a leading role in developing new types of further education and/or educational collaborations with external partners.

The position will be affiliated to Social Work Research, Department of Sociology and Social Work that covers a wide range of research relevant for and connected to a national and international research community. It includes approx. 40 researchers affiliated to different research groups:

    • Social work in the field of psychiatry and disability(SOSA)
    • Welfare, Inclusion, Social Work and Employment Relations(WISER)
    • Practice Research and Service User Perspectives
    • Shaping Concepts, Practices and Advances in Social Work(SCOPAS)

The workplace of the professorship is in Aalborg, but part of the teaching activities is expected to take place at Aalborg University, Copenhagen.

The position as professor is a permanent position with obligation to research, teaching and publication/academic dissemination.

Qualification requirements
Applicants must document a high degree of original scientific production at an international level and must have contributed substantially to the development of the subject area of the job description. Emphasis will be placed on the applicant's ability to take a leading role in contributing to a strong internal collective research community and external collaboration with national and international partners, which involves experience with research and management of research groups and research projects. In particular applicants must document an ability to attract substantial external funding for research activities within the subject area.

Applicants must also demonstrate the ability to make a substantial contribution to the development of the department’s study programs as well as to the development of new types of further education and/or educational collaborations with external partners. The philosophy of teaching at Aalborg University is the Problem Based Learning(PBL) model. Therefore, it will be an advantage, but not a prerequisite, that applicants have experience with PBL.

The application
Your application must contain the following:

        • CV
        • Complete list of publications
        • List of publications that the applicant wishes to be considered. A maximum of 10 publications may be submitted. It is possible to submit articles written in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and/or English.
        • In case the applicant attaches publications elaborated ind collaboration with co-authors, a co-author statement must be enclosed, specifying the applicant's contribution to the joint work. The co-author statement must be signed by at least one of the co-authors.Template co-author declaration.
        • Documentation of teaching qualifications.Guidance Teaching portfolio.
        • Copies of relevant diplomas(Master of Science and PhD- both in english)

The complete application with enclosures is to be submitted online by using the"apply online" button below.

The application may be written in any of the Scandinavian languages or in English.

The qualifications of the applicant will be assessed by an assessment committee and the allocation of the position is decided by the Dean of the Faculty of Social Science.
Shortlisting will be applied. This means that the head of the department, with the assistance of the hiring committee, will select candidates for assessment. Candidates selected for assessment will then be informed about the composition of the assessment committee. All candidates will be notified whether they have been shortlisted for assessment or not.

Applicants who are selected for assessment will have the opportunity to comment on their assessment.

When the hiring process is completed, a final rejection will be sent to the applicants who are not considered for the position.

Contact information
For information about the position please contact Head of Department, Jakob Skjøtt-Larsen:[email protected], phone:+4599407297.

For information about the department please follow this link:Department of Sociology and Social Work
Any enquiries relating to the application procedure should be addressed to Human Resources on [email protected].

AAU wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background or belief.

The hiring process at Aalborg University may include a risk assessment as a tool to identify potential risks associated with new hires, ensuring the safety, compliance, and integrity of the workplace.

Løn og ansættelsesvilkår
The employment is in accordance with the Ministerial Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Universities(the Appointment Order) and the Ministerial Order on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities. Salary and terms of employment are in accordance with the collective agreement between the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations and the state(AC collective agreement)(only in Danish) and circular concerning protocol on certain terms of employment of academic staff at universities(only in Danish).


Ref. nummer

Sociology and Social Work

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