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Industrial PhD – Acoustic Modelling of the Human Ear

GN Store Nord A/S

If you are seeking the ideal foundation to realize your aspirations and contribute to advanced innovations, this opportunity is tailor-made for you. At GN and DTU – two highly respected organizations – you will collaborate to advance scientific and technological knowledge and create innovative solutions for future ear devices and communication systems.

This industrial PhD position offers a distinctive platform to combine academic excellence with real-world impact, as you work on creating advanced solutions that improve the lives of millions of users worldwide. You will develop advanced physical and numerical tools, including a next-generation artificial ear and Finite Element model, to address the challenges of the bone-conducted occlusion effect.

On this journey, you will have supervisors from both GN and DTU and be able to leverage the knowledge, platforms, and lab facilities from both organizations. A setup, providing solid academic and corporate foundation with freedom to explore.

The primary location is GN with extended stays at DTU where you will be enrolled. At GN you will be part of the research team – GN Advanced Science – a diverse, local, and global team with a variety of experts on topics related to signals, audio, and sound. We have an open, engaging, inclusive, hybrid way of working and a flexible workday.

Research questions to be addressed:

  • What factors contribute to bone-conducted vibrations in ear canal that influence the occlusion effect?
  • How can an artificial ear be designed to adapt to an individual’s ear canal shape and accurately simulate the occlusion effect?
  • How effective are finite element models in accurately simulating the bone-conducted objective occlusion effect in human ears?

We imagine that you have:

  • Experience in Finite Element Analysis and numerical modeling.
  • Solid foundation in Mechanical Engineering, Acoustics, Physics, or related fields.
  • Proficiency in programming (e.g., Python, MATLAB) and CAD tools.
  • Analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and effective communication
  • Knowledge about statistical quality control methods (e.g. statistical process control, design of experiment).
  • Ability to work efficiently organizing tasks, to plan and carry out complicated tasks, and to be a part of a large group.
  • Good communication skills in English, both written and spoken.

Your activities during the PhD project will also include:

  • Following courses on topics related with your project, either at DTU or other institutions.
  • Interacting with academic and industrial colleagues and stakeholders.
  • Participating teaching activities
  • Attending international conferences where you will present your work.
  • Publishing your research results in scientific, peer reviewed journals.

We encourage you to apply
A two-year master's degree (120 ECTS points) or a similar degree is required, but if you don’t match all the above-mentioned skills, we will gladly receive your application if you think you have transferrable skills.

We focus on an inclusive recruitment process
All applicants will receive equal consideration for employment. Should you have any special requirements for the Interview please let us know upon accepting an invitation to interview.

How to apply?
Use the ‘APPLY’ link no later than May 1st, 2025.
Applications are assessed on a continuous basis, so don’t wait to send yours.

The application must contain a cover letter, CV, relevant diplomas, and grade transcripts including official description of grading scale.

You may apply prior to obtaining your master's degree but cannot begin before having received it.

If you would like to know more about the position, please contact

  • Yu Luan, GN (+45 45751862, yuluan@gnresound.com)
  • Yang Zhang, DTU Construct (+45 45254892, yazh@dtu.dk)
  • Frieder Lucklum, DTU Electro (+45 93511939 fluc@dtu.dk)

Join us in bringing people closer
GN brings people closer through our innovative intelligent hearing, audio, video, and gaming solutions. Inspired by people and driven by innovation, we deliver technology that enhances the senses of hearing and sight. We support people with hearing loss in overcoming real-life obstacles, improve communication and collaboration for businesses, and provide great experiences for audio and gaming enthusiasts.

We hope you will join us on this journey and look forward to receiving your application.


Location: Ballerup

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GN Store Nord A/S

Hovedkontor: Lautrupbjerg 7, 2750 Ballerup

GN addresses medical, professional and consumer segments with solutions that improve quality of life, facilitate communication and enhance business and personal productivity. Our brands are all based on the group’s core engineering expertise and technologies. We develop and manufacture innovative and intelligent audio and video communications solutions that are marketed and sold in around 100 countries across the world.

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