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Technology Based Business Development student with interest in Digital Transformation, Business Development and Drone Technology.

Business Development IT Development Drone Technology  

Opdateret 03. december 2021
Min uddannelse
2018 - 2020

Cand.polyt. i Teknologibaseret forretningsudviklin

Aarhus Universitet

The master programme focuses on engineering skills, business, management and innovation. It also focus on collection, understanding and assessment of new technological knowledge and create new business opportunities. The study also provides the opportunity to write projects in a technological area of interest throughout the study program.
Since the 1st semester I have been researching the drone technology and its market opportunities. In my first project, I focused on Central and Western Jutland and through studies such as questionnaires and workshops I found the market's needs and opportunities. In my second project I focused on the use of drone technology in agriculture and through experiment and business modelling I found possible business models in agriculture.
Uddannelsesområde: Organisation & Ledelse
Periode: september 2018 - juni 2020
2015 - 2020

Diplomingeniør, Business Development

Aarhus Universitet, Handels- og IngeniørHøjskolen

The bachelor programme focuses on engineering skills, business, management, innovation and personal development. Every semester we work with companies where I have completed projects about market analysis, concept development, product development, strategy development and innovative product development. In addition, I have chosen to focus on IT, where I have worked with both WEB and APP development.
Uddannelsesområde: Organisation & Ledelse
Periode: september 2015 - januar 2020
Min erhvervserfaring
2018 - nu

Student assistant

Business Region MidtVest

Project assistant (Research, contact with stakeholders and investigating the drone
Arbejdsområde: Forskning & Udvikling
Periode: april 2018 - nu
2016 - 2018

IT Support

IT Support for new Business Development Engineer students.
Arbejdsområde: Undervisning
Periode: september 2016 - juli 2018
2017 - 2017

Student instructor: Application development for Android

Student instructor in the course: Application development for Android.
Arbejdsområde: Undervisning
Periode: september 2017 - december 2017
Mine kompetencer
cms fleksibel microsoft office samarbejde selvstændighed systematisk
Sprog på arbejdsniveau
dansk engelsk tamilsk
Mine præferencer
Deltidsjob Fuldtidsjob Graduate/trainee
Forskning & Udvikling IT - Software Ledelse & Planlægning Projektledelse
Midtjylland Vestjylland
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