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Efter 6 år i Storbritannien, först som politik-studerande vid University of Cambridge och därefter anställd vid ett litet start-up företag i London (2 år) och hos välgörenhetsorganisationen Oxfam i Oxford (1 år), är jag nu bosatt i Köpenhamn, där jag studerar till en Masters i Migration studies vid Köpenhamns Universitet.

swedish finnish english international politics ngo svensk finsk engelsk politik internationell masters  

Opdateret 10. marts 2018
Min uddannelse
2017 - 2019


Københavns Universitet

Masters in Advanced Migration Studies - exploring the history, causes, patterns, and complex ities of migration in Denmark and globally.
Uddannelsesområde: Samfundsvidenskab
Periode: oktober 2017 - juni 2019
2011 - 2014

Bachelor of Arts

Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet

BA in Politics, Psychology, and Sociology (PPS Tripos) from the University of Cambridge. Grade awarded: 2:1
-focus on Politics and international relations, with an additional interest in Gender studies explored through 2 long essays in my final year
Uddannelsesområde: Samfundsvidenskab
Periode: oktober 2011 - juni 2014
Min erhvervserfaring
2016 - 2017

Philanthropy Officer


Philanthropy Officer for the Major Gifts team in the Fundraising Department of an large international charity with over 9000 staff in 90+ countries. Full-time.

Relationship manager for 70+ current and prospective high-level Oxfam supporters, functioning as their main point of contact at the organisation and providing bespoke updates on the projects they support. Also providing cross-team support such assisting with administrative tasks, updating CRM database and other data management (such as financial overviews and writing internal reports), liaising with country teams and cooperating across the organisation in order to create new ways for supporters to feel part of the programmes they fund. My strong analytical skills also led me to be involved in revising and pulling together recommendations for improving reporting styles to fit supporter needs, especially with an eye to quantitative data.
Arbejdsområde: Kommunikation, Media & SoMe
Periode: oktober 2016 - august 2017
2014 - 2016

Senior Events and Bookings Coordinator

Bikeworks CIC

Senior Events and Bookings Coordinator for a high-tempo social enterprise focused around improving people’s lives through cycling, with several Pan-London/council contracts. Full-time.

Liaising with core staff, freelancers, local authorities, and customers in order to manage well-executed events and courses, from individual cycle training to larger sessions with up to 100 attendees. Awarded sole responsibility for the set-up, delivery, and monitoring of the newly won cycle training contract for individuals, schools, and groups in the Royal Borough of Greenwich (worth £131,000). Additional duties included: line management of 2 members of the Operations Team, administration, data processing and monitoring of all my contracts, receptionist duties as the first port of call for general enquiries via phone or email, HR and financial duties such as recruitment, processing invoices and providing quotes, and any and all other ad-hoc duties as required (updating website, social media, proofreading tenders etc).
Arbejdsområde: Projektledelse
Periode: december 2014 - april 2016
2014 - 2014

English Teacher

Camford Royal School, Beijing, China

English Teacher over 1 1/2 months in 3 summer camps, based in Beijing, China. Voluntary placement.

Teaching English to children age 6-18, with main responsibility for coaching them to perform a speech at a competition at the end of their summer camp.
Arbejdsområde: Undervisning
Periode: juli 2014 - august 2014
2008 - 2013


Jordas Ltd.

Salesperson at local market and various other sales points, selling berries and fruit. Seasonal work.

Setting up and taking down the stall independently, friendly customer service, handling fresh produce, negotiations with produce suppliers for sales price, profit/supply calculations, training of new staff, logistics, and communication between sales points. Long-term summer job over 6 years.
Arbejdsområde: Salg
Periode: marts 2008 - september 2013
2011 - 2012

Day Guard / Cabin Cleaner

Eckerö Line

Day Guard and Cabin Cleaner aboard the M/S Nordlandia, a cruise ship ferrying passengers and cargo between Finland and Estonia. Intermittent full-time work

Day Guard: Keeping public spaces and toilets clean during journey, assisting passengers, reporting security concerns to front desk.
Cabin Cleaner: Working as part of a team cleaning cabins in-between arrival and departure.
Arbejdsområde: Produktion
Periode: marts 2011 - august 2012
Mine kompetencer
administration flexibilitet internationalism kundservice politik projektledesle skrift sprog startup
Sprog på arbejdsniveau
engelsk finsk svensk tysk
Mine præferencer
Politik & Samfund
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