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MSc in Information Technology (Audio Design) and Bachelor's degree in Information Studies from Aarhus University. I am structured, hardworking and detail minded. I thrive in a work place with regular as well as changing tasks, and I work well in teams as well as independently. I have strong IT skills, and I enjoy helping out wherever I am needed.

Audio Lyd Detaljeorienteret struktureret  

Opdateret 21. oktober 2024
Min uddannelse
2020 - 2023

Cand.it. Digital design og kommunikation

Aarhus Universitet

The audio design line on digital design at AU is about designing sound through digital tools for a wide variety of fields. During my master's i had an internship at DADIU where i designed the sound for the game Carnivalien.
Uddannelsesområde: Sprog, Media & Kommunikation
Periode: september 2020 - august 2023
2014 - 2018

BA i Informationsvidenskab (Humanistisk Informatik

Aarhus Universitet

  • Bachelor's degree in information studies with a bachelor's project in interaction design
  • This has given me an understanding of how software and IT-products is designed and developed, and how this is executed so it is customized for the user's needs, and also an understanding of how complex and development oriented projects are managed, and how an organisation is overseen and managed. I also understand how a product can be made interactive and exiting for the user.
    - Supplementary subject in music culture
    This has given me an understanding of how music and sound is constructed and how music is analysed, and also how music affects people and society. I also understand how to produce music and sound.
    - HUM course in GAME.PLAY.THEORY.
    Interdiciplinary Summer University course. This has given me an understanding of how computergames work in theory and in practice within interactive purposes as well as in cultural and aesthetic purposes.
    Uddannelsesområde: Sprog, Media & Kommunikation
    Periode: september 2014 - august 2018
    Min erhvervserfaring
    2023 - 2023



    Responsible for designing SFX for a number of cards within the game codenamed Tectonicus: On the Edge of War (https://gamucatex.itch.io/tectonicus).
    Examples of these sounds can be heard here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eugiE7FLJRs
    The game is developed with Unity and I used FMod to design and implement the sounds in the game.
    I have also designed a sound logo for this game to be used in-game and for promotional material (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wg7k4mOz3uM).
    Arbejdsområde: Internet & Multimedia
    Periode: oktober 2023 - november 2023
    2021 - 2021



    As audio designer I was responsible for implementing sound in the games our team was tasked to make including our graduation game Carnivalien (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYHYGugvwj4). The games were developed in Unity and I used Wwise to implement sound. I also participated in our teams lead meatings and had some influence on which direction our game should go. This project oriented course at DADIU was the internship i had during my master's education.
    Through this I gained experience with Unity, Wwise, and implementing Wwise events with C# scripts. I also gained experince in project management through being a part of our lead team.
    Arbejdsområde: IT - Software
    Periode: september 2021 - december 2021
    Mine kompetencer
    ac administration audio audiodesign daw fmod kontor lyd lyddesign lydredigering max/msp optagelse reaper unity vcv rack wwise
    Sprog på arbejdsniveau
    dansk engelsk
    Mine præferencer
    Event Freelance Fuldtidsjob Iværksætterprojekt Praktikplads Vikariat
    Administration Internet & Multimedia IT - Software Kommunikation, Media & SoMe Kunst & Kultur Teknik
    Østjylland (Aarhus)
    Kontakt mig!
