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Professionally I love to deep dive in domains that stimulate creativity through linguistic display and attention to detail. My profile combines language, culture and digital communication into one, and is approached through a user-centred lens. I'm a deeply analytical and inquisitive individual who cares about delivering work of high quality

UX Digital Design Digital Communication Content creator E-Learning Copywriter Usability test Web editor webredaktør kommunikationsmedarbejder ac-fuldmægtig tekstforfatter translatør usability oversættelse korrektur sagsbehandling  

Opdateret 22. juni 2021
Min uddannelse
2016 - 2018

Cand.it. Digital design og kommunikation

IT-Universitetet, København

Tværfaglig uddannelse, som kombinerer design og kommunikation i digital kontekst. Jeg har opnået en solid forståelse for teknologi og design af digitale oplevelser, fra undersøgelse til løsning. Derudover har jeg tilegnet mig viden om konceptudvikling, organisation og brugervenlighed og har lært, hvordan man tænker tekniske muligheder sammen med brugernes behov. Jeg er i stand til at arbejde med udvikling, analyse og drift af digital kommunikation og design, med fokus på menneske-centret problemløsning ved brug af kvalitative og kvantitative metoder til research, formidling og innovation.
Uddannelsesområde: Sprog, Media & Kommunikation
Periode: august 2016 - juni 2018
2011 - 2015

BA i Kinastudier

Københavns Universitet

Om verdens næststørste økonomi og globale vækstlokomotiv, Kina. Med uddannelsen har jeg fået indsigt i humanistiske og samfundsvidenskabelige teorier og metoder til at analyse og fortolkning samt opnået opnået forståelse for, hvad det betyder at kommunikere med mennesker med anden kulturel baggrund. Derudover har jeg haft tilvalgsfag i Akademisk Engelsk og Sprog- og Kulturmødestudier. Tredje semester foregik i Beijing på Peking University.
Uddannelsesområde: Humaniora
Periode: august 2011 - juni 2015
Min erhvervserfaring
2018 - 2020

Customer Experience consultant

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

My primary role was to conduct market research by uncovering, testing and mapping customers needs, experiences and behavior, and align them with business goals through an iterative and creative process in collaboration with the team. My secondary role was to drive the CX Community through digital efforts, such as producing monthly newsletters, developing linguistic user manuals and animation videos to create awareness of the importance of CX, and enhance mutual understanding of customer-centric terms.
Arbejdsområde: Produktion
Periode: september 2018 - maj 2020
2017 - 2018

User Experience Designer

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Focus on planning, executing and analyzing project-based research at the B2B Startup including user interviews, short surveys and usability tests. Collaborated with product owners and team members to define research objectives, manage and conduct studies, and deliver insights and recommendations. Synthesize and communicate findings to team and leadership. Concept development and prototyping of software application. Design Thinking-based approach to problemsolving.
Arbejdsområde: IT - Software
Periode: oktober 2017 - juni 2018
2017 - 2017

e-Learning Assistant

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Content development, updating and support of digital learning products. Produced graphics, visuals and video for digital media. Involved in Instructional design. Hands-on experience with eLearning programmes and Learning Management Systems such as Articulate.
Arbejdsområde: Kommunikation, Media & SoMe
Periode: juli 2017 - oktober 2017
2016 - 2017

Test & Usability Consultant

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Usability and functionality testing of the company’s own developed software for Microsoft Office with variable complexity. Assuring quality of design and configuration of templates, documents and presentations. Producing user manuals in the form of written material and video screen casts. Initiated Service Design projects.
Arbejdsområde: Rådgivning & Support
Periode: september 2016 - august 2017
2015 - 2017

Danish Language Teacher

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

  • Immediate customer contact when damage occurs
  • Informing clients, relatives and business partners
  • Coordination of tasks in a high-pressure work environment
  • Multilingual communication
  • Case handling and management
  • Contact with doctors and hospitals worldwide
  • Navigating in advanced IT systems
  • Administrative tasks
  • - Team work
    Arbejdsområde: Undervisning
    Periode: marts 2015 - juni 2017
    2016 - 2016

    Assistance Coordinator

    Virksomhedsnavn skjult

  • Immediate customer contact when damage occurs
  • Informing clients, relatives and business partners
  • Coordination of tasks in a high-pressure work environment
  • Multilingual communication
  • Case handling and management
  • Contact with doctors and hospitals worldwide
  • Navigating in advanced IT systems
  • Administrative tasks
  • - Team work
    Arbejdsområde: Bank & Forsikring
    Periode: juni 2016 - august 2016
    2014 - 2016

    Technical Writer & Translator

    Virksomhedsnavn skjult

  • Copywriting and translation of Product Informations, Danish-English
  • Copywriting and translation of Product Description in Catalogue, Danish-English
  • Translation of Confidentiality Agreement, English-Danish
  • Comprehending Technical Terminology
  • Grammatical analysis
  • - Deadline compliance
    Arbejdsområde: Teknik
    Periode: november 2014 - maj 2016
    Mine kompetencer
    content creation cx digital learning e-learning kommunikation oversættelse service design sprogundervisning tekstforfatning usability test user research ux webredaktør
    Sprog på arbejdsniveau
    dansk engelsk fransk kinyarwanda
    Mine præferencer
    Deltidsjob Fuldtidsjob
    Arkitektur & Design IT - Software Kommunikation, Media & SoMe Kunst & Kultur Marketing & Reklame Rådgivning & Support Socialvæsen Undervisning
    Nordsjælland Storkøbenhavn Vestsjælland Østsjælland
    36.000 DKK / måned
    Kontakt mig!
