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Reinventing the intranet, Ziik is the all-in-one internal communication and information sharing platform for better employee engagement.

Our clients span from small startups to global enterprise brands like Subway and many others. What they have in common? The need for a sophisticated yet easy-to-use collaboration tool that connects and engages every employee to help drive business forward.

Ziik provides you the most economic and powerful solution in market:

  • Rich features at your fingertip to increase productivity
  • A GDPR compliant solution with full data ownership
  • Two-way and real time communication throughout
  • Your own branded native app


Hovedkontor: Købmagergade 67, 1150 København K

Ziik is a new generation work app and social intranet. We combine the best classic intranet features with collaborative social technologies in one app, enabling effective communication in organisations and teams regardless of industry and size.

Arbejdspladsen har lige nu 15 medabejdere med videregående uddannelsesbaggrund. I sidste periode ansatte de 2 færdiguddannede samt 5 studerende og praktikanter.

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