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Aktuelle job hos Ørsted

Student Assistant for the Global Employment team

Join us in this role where you’ll support our company´s global growth by assisting the Global Employment team with driving and further developing our global expertise, strategies and compliance within employment law, incl. global mobility, employee tax, and employment terms and policies. Welcome to Global Employment

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Student Assistant

Join us in this role where you’ll be responsible for creating financial insights to impact real business decisions in the Bioenergy business area. You’ll help create financial reports, forecasts and ad hoc financial analysis to influence decision making for both management and business. Welcome to Bioenergy Business Finance

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External Affairs Student Assistant

Join us in this role where you’ll be instrumental in supporting our global partnerships and external affairs functions working with regulatory bodies, government stakeholders and industry associations and coalitions to shape policies and drive impactful public narratives

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Student Assistant

Join us in this role where you’ll support our organisation in managing our external spend and use of internal resources. You’ll ensure high data quality in monthly reporting and forecasting. Welcome to Financial Performance & Analysis You’ll be part of Cost Reporting & Controlling where you, together with your colleagues, will be part of a global team servicing the business with financial reporting and budgets

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Hovedkontor: Kraftværksvej 53, 7000 Fredericia

Ørsteds vision er at skabe en verden, der udelukkende kører på grøn energi. Ørsted udvikler, opfører og driver landvindmølleparker, havvindmølleparker, bioenergianlæg og innovative løsninger, som omdanner affald til energi, og forsyner sine kunder med intelligente energiprodukter. Ørsted har 6200 medarbejdere og har hovedsæde i Danmark.

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Vi har et graduateprogram for nyuddannede: Læs mere her
Vi ansætter jævnligt praktikanter

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