Aktuelle job hos Københavns Universitet (KU)
Student Assistant for MUWUG research project at the Centre of African Studies, University of Copenhagen
The Centre of African Studies (CAS) on the South Campus of the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) seeks a part-time Student Assistant, as soon as possible, to join an exciting team of researchers working within the project Multiple Waterscapes in Urban Ghana (MUWUG). MUWUG is a five-year Danida funded research project based at the Centre of African Studies (CAS) on the South Campus. It started in April 2024 and will run until March 2029
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Three Group Leaders (Associate Professor or Professor) in Cardiometabolic Health and Disease
Extended application deadline 31 January 2025 Three Group Leaders (Associate Professor or Professor) in Cardiometabolic Health and Disease Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen
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Autoriseret veterinærsygeplejerske søges til flere af vores fantastiske teams på Universitetshospitalet for Familiedyr (opslag til løbende besættelse
Om Universitetshospitalet for Familiedyr På Universitetshospitalet underviser og forsker vi i sygdomme hos familiedyr. Hospitalet er døgnåbent, og vores dyrlægestuderende er med døgnet rundt i alle vores afdelinger. Det er dyrlægerne, som har det primære ansvar for undervisningen, men som VSP involverer du dem også i dit arbejde, og superviserer dem i at opnå de praktiske kliniske færdigheder. Vi tilbyder dig at blive en del af en af vores dynamiske og tværfaglige teams
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Associate professor or tenure-track assistant professor in European ethnology for the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen
The Saxo Institute,Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH) invites applicants for a position as associate professor or tenure-track assistant professor in European ethnology. The position is available from 1 September 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position as associate professor is a permanent, full-time position. The position as tenure track assistant professor is a permanent, full-time position.
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Ph.d.-programkoordinator (barselsvikariat)
Vi søger en kollega med flair for projektledelse og gode samarbejdsevner til et barselsvikariat i administrationen på Biotech Research and Innovation Centre (BRIC). Barselsvikariatet er på 12 måneder og er et oplagt springbræt, hvis du ønsker en karriere inden for EU-projektledelse eller administration af uddannelsesprogrammer på universitetsniveau og lignende. English summary
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Junior Photonics Engineer at the NNF Quantum Computing Programme
The Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP) is establishing a talented and diverse international team to create a cutting-edge quantum programme in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark
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Junior Engineer for Electrical Characterization at the NNF Quantum Computing Programme
The Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP) is establishing a talented and diverse international team to create a cutting-edge quantum programme in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark
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Student employee in the administration of VOLT Research Center with a focus area on communication at Department of Biology, Terrestrial Ecology sectio
Department of Biology at Faculty of Science, the University of Copenhagen is looking for a student employee in the administration of VOLT Research Center with a focus area on communication with effect from 01/03/2025. About us Center for Volatile Interactions (VOLT) is a Center of Excellence established in 2023 with funding from the Danish National Research Foundation. The center is based at Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen
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Tutorkoordinator for studiestarten 2025
Brænder du for at lave en god studiestart for vores nye bachelorstuderende? Vil du være med til at skabe et godt team af engagerede tutorer? Så vil vi gerne have en ansøgning fra dig! Studie- og karrierevejledningen på Humaniora søger 6 tutorkoordinatorer, der sammen med fakultetets studiestartskoordinatorer skal planlægge og afholde bachelorstudiestarten samt opfølgende aktiviteter. Vi søger én tutorkoordinator fra hvert at fakultetets institutter.
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Postdoc in Heterologous production of algae bioproducts
The Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences (PLEN), at University of Copenhagen is offering a 2-year Post. Doc. fellowship to study heterologous production of algae proteins and pigments. The postdoc’s duties will include research within heterologous expression as well as teaching. The post may also include performance of other duties. Further information on the Department is linked at https://www.science.ku.dk/english/about-the-faculty/organisation/
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Up to 22 fully funded Marie S. Curie PhD positions at University of Copenhagen and Technical University of Denmark
CALL FOR PHD APPLICANTS Application deadline February 20, 2025. Are you: • Scientifically curious and determined to pursue a PhD degree? • Eager to work with an interdisciplinary research project related to cancer or neurological diseases? • Driven to strengthen your scientific creativity and independent thinking? Up to 22 PhD positions are open in the international Marie S. Curie Doctoral Programme ‘Interdisciplinary Marie S. Curie Action for Health’ (INTERACT)
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PhD fellowship in Mycelium-based Biomaterials
The Department of Food Science, Section of Food Analytics and Biotechnology invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in biomaterials with the aim to contributing fundamental understanding towards the development of future, sustainable, mycelium-based options. The project further has links with the Royal Danish Academy and Imperial College London. The PhD position is part of a research project funded by the Danish research council: ‘”Green” bio-composite mycelium-based materials (BioMyTerials)’
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Student Assistant (IT Officer) at Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme
The newly established Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP) is building a talented and diverse international team to create a cutting-edge program in the heart of Copenhagen at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, where the formulation of quantum mechanics was born 100 years ago
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Postdoc of Global Nutrition and Health - readvertisement
The Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen announces a position as postdoc within the research field of nutrition and health in low-income countries for 29 months, with a possibility for extension. The position is open from 1 February 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The research project(s)
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Publikationsanalytiker (fuldmægtig) til deltidsstilling ved staben på SCIENCE
Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet, kontoret SCIENCE Forskning og Innovation, søger en deltidsansat kollega til statistiske opgaver inden for forskningspublicering. Kontoret arbejder med forskningsfinansiering i mindre teams i et tæt samarbejde med kolleger på institutterne, på de øvrige fakulteter og centralt på KU
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Assistant Professor of Crop Stress Physiology
The Assistant-Professor´s duties will primarily include research within the NanoPUT project funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark aiming at elucidating the underlying mechanisms controlling the uptake and translocation of nanoplastics (NPs) in crops, and to develop effective strategies to reduce the accumulation of NPs during plant development
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Laboratory Assistant at the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Section for Plant Biochemistry
The 'Plant Ecophysiology' research group at the Section for Plant Biochemistry at the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences (PLEN), Faculty of Science (SCIENCE), University of Copenhagen, look for a motivated student or similar for a position as a laboratory assistant with start date 3 February 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter, with employment until and including 31 May 2026.
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Studentermedarbejder ved CEO, Center for Erhvervsret og Offentlig Regulering, Det Juridiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet
Center for Erhvervsret og Offentlig Regulering (CEO) søger en studerende til at bistå centrets videnskabelige medarbejdere med forskning med tiltrædelse af stillingen fra 15. januar 2025. CEO er et både nationalt og internationalt orienteret forskningscenter, der arbejder med markeds- og erhvervsretlige problemstillinger. CEO ønsker at være et attraktivt og samfundsrelevant forum for international og tværfaglig forskning og uddannelse inden for centrets interessefelt
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Postdoc of Forest surveillance with remote sensing and artificial intelligence
Remote sensing provides spatially continuous, and periodic data on vegetation conditions and have long been identified as a promising tool for large-scale forest resource assessment and detection and monitoring of forest damage from both biotic and abiotic stressors. At the same time recent advances in deep learning-based analysis have leveraged possibilities for monitoring woody resources across large-scales, yet at the level of individual trees.
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Postdoc of molecular data science
Department of Biology Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen This advertisement is for a 9-month postdoc position in the Stein lab at the University of Copenhagen. We work at the interface of high throughput protein chemistry and data science and are interested in the consequences of protein mutations. All lab members are expected to successfully communicate with colleagues doing both wet and dry lab work
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Postdoc of High resolution biomass mapping using PlanetScope
Recent advances in satellite sensors enable the mapping of vegetation properties at both high spatial and temporal resolution. In particular the PlanetScope constellation can been utilized to map tree canopy cover, tree height, and tree biomass at large scale. The postdoc’s duties will be to produce annual biomass maps from PlanetScope for Europe for 2018-2023. Furthermore, the candidate will produce a biomass map for Siberia for a single year
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PhD fellowship in Optimization of Gene Editing Tools
PhD fellowship in Optimization of Gene Editing Tools and use of quantitative single particle Microscopyat the group of Nikos Hatzakis at The Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen Department of Chemistry Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen The Department of Chemistry, section for chemical biology at University of Copenhagen invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in Optimization of Gene Editing Tools Using Advanced Microscopy
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Ph.d.-stipendier ved Saxo-Instituttet, Københavns Universitet
Saxo-Instituttet, Det Humanistiske Fakultet på Københavns Universitet indkalder hermed tre3-årige ph.d.-stipendier med ansættelse fra den 1. september 2025. De tre stipendier fordeler sig således: • To ph.d.-stipendier. Stipendierne kan søges inden for alle instituttets fagområder. • Ét Carlsberg Foundation Humanities PhD Fellowship. Stipendiet kan søges inden for alle instituttets fagområder. Det kræver en dansk kandidatgrad at komme i betragtning til Carlsberg-stipendiet.
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Ph.d.-stipendier ved Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet
Institut forEngelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Det Humanistiske Fakultet på Københavns Universitet indkalder hermed tre3-årige ph.d.-stipendier med ansættelse fra den 1. september 2025. Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk rummer forskning og uddannelse i engelsk, fransk, italiensk, spansk og tysk sprog og de dertil forbundne litteraturer, kulturer og samfund. Læs mere her: https://engerom.ku.dk/ominstituttet/. • Der opslås ét Carlsberg Foundation Humanities PhD Fellowship
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Ph.d.-stipendier ved Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
Institut forNordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab Det Humanistiske Fakultet på Københavns Universitet indkalder hermed fire3-årige ph.d.-stipendier med ansættelse fra den 1. september 2025. Der opslås ét Carlsberg Foundation Humanities PhD Fellowship. Stipendiet kan søges inden for alle instituttets fagområder. Det kræver en dansk kandidatgrad at komme i betragtning til Carlsberg-stipendiet.
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Ph.d.-stipendier ved Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier, Københavns Universitet
Institut forTværkulturelle og Regionale Studier, Det Humanistiske Fakultet på Københavns Universitet indkalder hermed seks3-årige ph.d.-stipendier med ansættelse fra den 1. september 2025.
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Ph.d.-stipendier ved Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, Det Humanistiske Fakultet på Københavns Universitet indkalder hermed tre3-årige ph.d.-stipendier med ansættelse fra den 1. september 2025. Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab Institut for Kunst og Kulturvidenskab søger ph.d.-kandidater, der kan indgå i en eller flere af instituttets sektioner og bidrage til en af instituttets seks tværfaglige forskningsklynger. Sektioner: • Litteraturvidenskab og Moderne Kultur • Kunsthistorie og Visuel Kultur
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PhD fellowship in Economics of Agri-Food System Transition
IFRO invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in Economics of Agri-Food System Transition, with a specific focus on assessing economic drivers, barriers and lock-ins for change towards a more plant-based agriculture and food system in Denmark at regional and local levels
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IT Officer (programmer 15 hours/week) at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen
The Department of Computer Science at the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, is looking for an IT Officer (programmer) to work within the project ‘Deep Fetal Development: AI for Fetal Development Analysis and Impact on Future Health of Mother and Child’ with effect from 1 February 2025 to 31 January 2027. About the Project This project aims to study the impact of maternal health and parental genetics on the healthy development of children during pregnancy
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Laboratory Assistant in the Ochs Group at BRIC
Biotech Research & Innovation Centre (BRIC) Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen, Denmark A position as Laboratory Assistant is available at Biotech Research & Innovation Centre (BRIC) (https://www.bric.ku.dk) in the group headed by Associate Professor Dr Fena Ochs. The post is available from the 15 February 2025. The Biotech Research & Innovation Centre (BRIC)
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Timelønnet underviser til Tandplejeruddannelsen i fagområdet Oral Radiologi
Ved Skolen for Klinikassistenter og Tandplejere i København er en stilling som underviser i faget Oral Radiologi, ledig til besættelse hurtigst muligt. Om os Du finder information om SKT her: https://skt.ku.dk/ Dine arbejdsopgaver Undervisningen på tandplejeruddannelsen omfatter teoretisk undervisning i oral radiologi. Undervisning omfatter teoretisk undervisning svaret til ca. 26 lektioner som alle ligger på uddannelsens 2. semester – om foråret
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PhD fellowship in Microbiology and Immunology
We are offering a fully funded PhD fellowship in Microbiology and Immunology commencing 1 May 2025 or after agreement. Our group and research The Parasites, Immunology and Gut Health (PIGH) group applies animal models and in vitro cell culture techniques to explore host-pathogen-microbiome interactions and nutritional immunology
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Postdoc position in cell-based models of cardiovascular intervention
Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic researcher for a 2-year Postdoc position to start March 1st 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is part of the Center for Stem Cell-based Disease modelling and Drug Screening (StemScreen; https://stemscreen.ku.dk/), affiliated to The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW Copenhagen.
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Postdoc in Genetics, Microbiology, and Glycobiology
We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic postdoc for a 2-year position, who is to commence on 1 May 2025 or after agreement. The successful candidate will work on a project investigating the mucin-binding properties of intestinal pathogenic bacteria in pigs, with a focus on bacterial interactions with O-glycans. Information on the department can be found at: https://ivh.ku.dk/english/ Our research
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PhD scholarships at the Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen
The Department of Communicationat the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Copenhagen is inviting applications for four three-year PhD scholarships starting on 1 September 2025. The department is advertising three PhDscholarships as well as one Carlsberg Foundation Humanities PhD Fellowship. Please note that a Danish Master's degree is required to apply for the Carlsberg PhD Fellowship.
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Postdoc position in the Horizon Europe project SHIELD aimed at advancing pandemic preparedness and response by characterizing and exploiting viral gly
We are offering a post doctoral position at the Copenhagen Center for Glycocalyx Research (CCGR) with the Wandall Group, commencing from April 1st 2025 or after agreement. The candidate will be part of a Horizon Europe project SHIELD with the goal to improve the EU’s preparedness to predict and respond to emerging infectious health threats by advancing the research on viral pathogens with high pandemic potential.
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Research assistant in the Gregersen group at Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (ICMM)
We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic research assistant for a 6-month period to investigate novel factors regulating transcription and co-transcriptional processing.
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Akademisk medarbejder (bachelor) til Sektion for Præklinisk Sygdomsbiologi i Skovlab
Københavns Universitet på Frederiksberg Campus tilbyder per 15. februar 2025 en stilling som akademisk medarbejder (bachelor) til Sektion for Præklinisk Sygdomsbiologi i Skovlab. Stillingen er tidsbegrænset til 1. juli 2025. Dine opgaver Arbejdet består hovesagligt af forskningsunderstøttende virksomhed i samarbejde med og ved supervision af gruppens videnskabelige assistenter herunder hjælp til udførsel af cellulære- og molekylære analyser
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162980 Clinical Professor in Neurology with special focus on Clinical Neurophysiology (Fixed-Term, 10 Years)
Department of Clinical Medicine Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University seeks to appoint a clinical professor in Neurology with special focus on Clinical Neurophysiologyto commence as soon as possible. The externally funded professorship is combined with a consultancy at Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Department of Neurophysiology and Filadelfia Epilepsy Hospital.
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Vil du - som juridisk sagsbehandler - gøre en forskel for studerende ved Københavns Universitet?
Uddannelsesservice ved Det Juridiske Fakultet søger tre engagerede og professionelle juridiske sagsbehandlere, der vil spille en central rolle i at støtte vores studerende igennem deres studieforløb. To af stillingerne er faste stillinger. Den tredje stilling er en midlertidig stilling på 1 år. Stillingerne Stillingerne er pt. placeret i Uddannelsesservice som i det daglige arbejder med at få jurastuderende bedst muligt igennem studiet – inden for rammerne
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Ph.d.-stipendiat med kvantitative kompetencer søges til projekt om vægttab, fysiske aktivitet og knoglemineralindhold i LightCOM studiet
Stillingen Som ph.d.-stipendiat vil din primære opgave være, at understøtte og gennemføre dataindsamling og analyse i et forskningsprojekt, der afprøver en intervention med et intensivt vægttabsforløb. Du vil i stillingen arbejde tæt sammen med andre forskere på LightCOM-projektet og desuden indgå aktivt i Center for Almen Medicins øvrige forskningsmiljø. Projektet
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PhD positions in Theoretical Computer Science
Department of Computer Science Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen The Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen (DIKU) invites applications for PhD positions in theoretical computer science, tentatively commencing 1 September 2025 (but the starting date is negotiable). Description of the scientific environment
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Programkoordinator med flair for at levere administrativ, struktureret og kommunikativ støtte til KU’s talentprogram UCPH Forward
Talentprogrammet UCPH Forward, der er rettet mod dedikerede forskere på Københavns Universitet, søger en fuldtidsansat koordinator til at gennemføre, synliggøre og udvikle programmet på KU. Koordinatoren indgår i tæt samarbejde med programledelsen, der består af fire anerkendte professorer. Koordinatoren skal være med til at sikre, at UCPH Forward konsolideres på KU, skabe netværk med andre talentinitiativer og knytte administrativt og videnskabeligt ansatte tættere sammen.
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CESE PhD fellowship in Science Education Research at IND
We invite applicants for a PhD fellowship to research professional identities among science teachers in Danish primary and lower secondary schools. The project is part of the Danish Science Education Academy (NAFA) and its research program: Center of Excellence in Science Education (CESE). This program announces PhD calls focussing on research relevant to practice in Danish primary and lower secondary education and/or teacher education
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Projektkoordinator til Center for Pharmaceutical Data Science Education
Institut for Lægemiddeldesign og Farmakologi Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet Københavns Universitet Det nye Center for Pharmaceutical Data Science Education forankret på Institut for Lægemiddeldesign og Farmakologi, Københavns Universitet, søger en dedikeret og selvstændig projektkoordinator til en tidsbegrænset stilling fra 1. marts 2025 til 31. august 2030. Om centeret
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PhD scholarship at the Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)
Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship at the Department of Economics. Enrolment will be at the Faculty of Social Sciences under Copenhagen Graduate School of Social Sciences. The position starting date is 1 September 2025. Introduction The PhD programme provides PhD students with strong research training which opens up a window of opportunity to a variety of careers within the private and public sectors
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PhD scholarships at Center for Economic Behaviour and Inequality (CEBI) at the Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)
Are you passionate about pioneering research on economic behavior and inequality? CEBI at the University of Copenhagen invites ambitious candidates to join our PhD programme, starting 1 September 2025.
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PhD scholarships as part of the research project, “Behavioral Barriers to the Green Transition", CEBI, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)
The Department of Economics and CEBI is pleased to announce openings for up to two fully-funded PhD scholarships as part of the research project “Behavioral Barriers to the Green Transition”. With global energy demand projected to increase by 47% by 2050, improving energy efficiency is crucial for transitioning to a low carbon economy. While technological progress is a precondition, ultimately, the “human factor” determines energy consumption
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PhD scholarship as part of the research project “The Role of Preferences and Beliefs in Shaping Physician Careers”, CEBI, University of Copenhagen (UC
The Department of Economics and CEBI is pleased to announce openings of a fully-funded PhD scholarship as part of the research project “The Role of Preferences and Beliefs in Shaping Physician Careers”. This project is funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. You will be involved in research centered at the high-skilled labor market for physicians. Health care sectors across the world are challenged by physician shortages to match increasing demands for care
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Morten Meldal PhD fellowships in Chemistry
The Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, invites excellent, ingenious, and creative applicants for two PhD stipends in chemistry. Application date for the stipends will be February 1st, 2025. Start date is August 1st, 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The PhD stipends will be available for PhD projects in all areas of experimental and theoretical chemistry at the Faculty of Science
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PhD fellowship in Quantum Optics, Atomic Physics and Materials Science
PhD Project in advancing quantum optics, atomic physics and materials growth. Niels Bohr Institute Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen The Novo Nordisk Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP) at the Niels Bohr Institute invites applications for a PhD fellowship in quantum physics and materials science, focusing on cutting-edge quantum optics and crystal growth
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Three PhD fellowships in Machine Learning
Department of Computer Science Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen Department of Computer Science, Machine Learning Section invites applicants for the PhD fellowships in the following projects. The project At least three open positions are being advertised in this call. Each position is detailed below
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