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Aktuelle job hos JYSK

Store Manager Trainee til JYSK Vestjylland

Firmabeskrivelse Vil du uddanne og udvikle dig selv? Drømmer du om at stå i spidsen for din egen butik inden for 10 måneder? Og er du klar til at kickstarte din karriere via én af landets bedste ledelsesuddannelser i detail? Så er du præcis den Store Manager Trainee, vi er på udkig efter! 💪 Opstart 1/6-25. Det er en fordel at man har bosat sig til at være mobil til at dække følgende byer; Holstebro, Struer, Lemvig, Ringkøbing, Herning, Skive - men dog ikke et krav. HVAD TILBYDER VI DIG

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Graduate, IT Procurement

Company Description Job Description Do you want to be a part of a large international company and advance further in your career? Do you want to learn how to drive IT tenders on enterprise solutions? Are you looking to further expand your analytic abilities and global mindset? We are looking for the right candidate to join our Graduate programme and work with IT Procurement specialists in driving strategic IT sourcing activities. WHAT WE OFFER YOU

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Företagsbeskrivning Jobbeskrivning Är du peppad på försäljning? Och vill du erbjuda JYSK Sveriges bästa kundservice tillsammans med ditt team? Gillar du variation och en fartfylld miljö? 💪 Då kan du vara den säljare vi söker! 🙋 VAD VI ERBJUDER DIG Du får chansen att bli en del av ett företag som vill vara kandidaternas förstahandsval när de väljer arbetsgivare. Vi är dynamiska och hos oss blir din röst hörd, du blir involverad och din utveckling är viktig

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Online User Experience Intern

Company Description Job Description

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Graduate, SAP CAR

Company Description Job Description Are you eager to launch your SAP career within a global organisation committed to building state-of-the-art omnichannel retail solutions? Do you thrive on a steep learning curve and have a strong analytical mindset? If so, our SAP CAR Graduate Programme is the perfect opportunity for you!

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Web Analyst Intern

Company Description Job Description Are you eager to learn about and work with the latest technology in web analytics within an international company operating across 28 markets? If yes, we are looking for a dedicated and detail-oriented Web Analyst Intern to join our UX and Insights team. JYSK is in constant growth, and the same applies to our UX and Insights department. We have an increasing strategic focus on online data and insights and are always looking for new talents.

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Graduate, Identity Governance and Administration (IGA)

Company Description Job Description Are you eager to launch your career in a global company? Do you want to be part of a team that bridges the gap between business and IT? Are you passionate about optimising workflows and automating processes? Do you enjoy problem-solving in a fast-paced, tech-driven environment? If yes, our tailored IGA Graduate Programme could be the perfect opportunity for you! WHAT WE OFFER YOU

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Graduate, SAP Logistics

Company Description Job Description Are you ready to kick-start your SAP career in a global organisation that leads in innovative logistics technology? If you're eager to work with cutting-edge SAP solutions in the logistics field, our JYSK SAP Graduate Programme is the perfect place for you. JYSK is committed to delivering the best IT solutions, and our SAP Logistics team plays a key role in driving the development and operation of critical SAP systems

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Hovedkontor: Sødalsparken 18, 8220 Brabrand

Vi tror på, at vores medarbejdere er nøglen til vores succes – og ikke mindst grunden til at vi er vokset fra én butik i 1979 til over 3000 butikker på verdensplan i dag. Derfor stræber vi også efter at tilbyde udvikling og muligheder for at kunne opnå højere potentiale. Vi sætter desuden en ære i at belønne engagement og en god indsats blandt vores medarbejdere.

Vi accepterer uopfordrede jobansøgninger: Søg via vores websider
Vi har et graduateprogram for nyuddannede: Læs mere her
Vi ansætter jævnligt praktikanter

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