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Aktuelle job hos Cadesign form A/S

Freelance 3D animator

As soon as possible Remote / Aarhus, Denmark About the position We are currently looking for long-term cooperation with talented 3ds Max technical animators. The job will be aimed at creating technical animations, where structure, experience and a technical mindset are key. As the projects will be a collaboration between you and our internal team, we are looking for long-term cooperation. Communication will be in English.

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Freelance 3D max visualizer

As soon as possible Remote / Aarhus, Denmark About the position We are currently looking for long term cooperations with talented 3ds Max Freelance Visualizers. The jobs will primarily involve creating high-end images, which entails that lighting and styling experience is key.

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Marketing intern with great writing skills

Autumn 2025 Aarhus, Denmark Wanna join us? Are digital marketing and content creation favorites in your academic vocabulary? And are you ready to replace theories with practical experience? We’re a creative visual studio producing high-end CGI, animated, and interactive content for brands across the furniture, living, industrial, and home improvement sectors

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Digital Concept Development Intern

Autumn 2025 Aarhus, Denmark Wanna join us? Cadesign form is a digital visual communications agency that designs visual solutions for people to see, understand, and remember. We are looking for a bright intern with a nose for digital concept development to join our team. At Cadesign form we create everything from images and films to interactive solutions for customers worldwide, enabling them to deliver a strong visual impression - and an experience with more meaning and less nonsense.

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Cadesign form A/S

Hovedkontor: Dusager 14, 8200 Aarhus N

Cadesign form er et visuelt kommunikationsbureau. Vi designer løsninger som folk kan se, forstå og huske. Vi skaber alt fra billeder og film til interaktive løsninger for kunder over hele verden. Vi hjælper dem med at skabe et stærkt, visuelt udtryk - der gør indtryk - og oplevelser med mere mening og mindre volapyk.

Vi accepterer uopfordrede jobansøgninger: Søg via vores websider

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