Aktuelle job hos ViaBill Group A/S
Tech Support Student Assistant Copenhagen Commercial – Support / Part-Time / Hybrid Apply for this job The Company ViaBill is one of Denmark’s largest and healthiest FinTech companies operating at the intersection of the eCommerce, payments, and consumer credit sectors. Viabill is the absolute market leader and an industry pioneer and we experience constant growth. Becoming the best at something isn’t easy. It takes skill, hard work, and an unmatched level of ambition and determination
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Finance Student Assistant Copenhagen Financial – Financial / Part-Time / On-site Apply for this job Om virksomheden Hos ViaBill er vi på en rejse mod at blive den største globale point-of-sale finansieringsløsning i verden. At blive den bedste til noget er ikke let. Det kræver dygtighed, hårdt arbejde og et uovertruffent niveau af ambitioner og beslutsomhed. Vores team er internationalt, erfarent og mest af alt hårdtarbejdende.
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