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Aeven Graduate Programs

Aeven A/S

Do you want to accelerate your career by being a part of Aevens growth journey? Experience comprehensive professional development through our dedicated training and mentoring program. Whether you aspire to enhance your knowledge through on-the-job training, pursue academic courses, or focus on personal development, our program is customized to cater to your unique needs.

Duration: 18 months
Rotations: None
Languages: not specified
Salary range: not specified
Location: København
Rotation abroad: not specified
Apply in: marts
Start in: september

Aeven A/S recruits graduates from these educations:

Marketing & Business

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Aeven A/S

Main office: Østmarken 3A, 2860 Søborg

Our story began serving the life sciences industry nearly three decades ago. Since then, we’ve worked hard to expand our business by working with a broad range of Danish companies that do business at a global scale in industries that are subject to strict laws and regulations, financial controls, and extremely high service level requirements.

We offer graduate programmes: Read more here
We perodically offer student internships

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og kontakt os på telefon 38381010 eller [email protected]