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InCommodities Graduate Program

InCommodities A/S

Our graduate program is your personalized fast track to an exciting career at InCommodities! We offer a dedicated program where your development and well-being are in focus, and you have the opportunity to learn and advance.

Duration: 18 months
Rotations: 3
Languages: engelsk
Salary range: not specified
Location: not specified
Rotation abroad: not specified
Apply in: januar, februar, december
Start in: september

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InCommodities A/S

Main office: Tangen 6, 8200 Aarhus N

InCommodities is headquartered in Aarhus, Denmark. Established in 2017, our company holds a significant presence in the European and US power and gas markets where we optimize our portfolio 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. The world is transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources and the urgency of this transition has never been more evident. Technology is also advancing faster than ever and will play an integral part in paving the way towards net zero.

We offer graduate programmes: Read more here

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og kontakt os på telefon 38381010 eller [email protected]