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DELL Graduate Development Programs

Dell Technologies

Dell Technologies EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) offers graduate opportunities in Sales, Marketing, Human Resources, Finance, Software Engineering, and Technical Support. Jumpstart your career in our of 14 graduate programs. Our graduate development programs are open to individuals who hold a bachelor’s and/or master’s degree with a maximum of 12 months of work experience.

Duration: 12 months
Rotations: None
Languages: dansk, engelsk
Salary range: not specified
Location: København, Udland
Rotation abroad: Possible
Apply in: marts, april, maj
Start in: september

Dell Technologies recruits graduates from these educations:

Architecture, Art & Design
Electro & Telecom Engineering
Human Resources
Marketing & Business
Strategy, Org. & Leadership
Economics & Auditing

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Dell Technologies

Main office: Arne Jacobsens Allé 17, 2300 København S

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We accept unsolicited job applications: Apply through our webpages
We offer graduate programmes: Read more here
We perodically offer student internships

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Kontakt os gerne for at ændre eller opgradere jeres graduateprofil - få flere detaljer på telefon 38381010 eller [email protected]

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Se hvordan vi kan sammensætte en graduatekampagne til jer,
og kontakt os på telefon 38381010 eller [email protected]