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Alstom Nordics Graduate Programme

Alstom Transport Danmark A/S

This is an exciting opportunity to join a world leading engineering company where you will work alongside qualified and experienced staff. Joining us means joining a caring, responsible, and innovative company where 80,000 people lead the way to greener and smarter mobility, worldwide.

Duration: 12 months
Rotations: 4
Languages: dansk, svensk, norsk, engelsk
Salary range: not specified
Location: not specified
Rotation abroad: Possible
Apply in: marts
Start in: not specified

Alstom Transport Danmark A/S recruits graduates from these educations:

Electro & Telecom Engineering
Machine & Technical Design

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Alstom Transport Danmark A/S

Main office: Amerika Pl. 19,, 2100 København

Our ambition is to accompany all transportation stakeholders in meeting tomorrow’s mobility challenges. We strive to provide them with the most efficient and digital mobility systems, while further improving the environmental friendliness of our solutions.

We offer graduate programmes: Read more here
We perodically offer student internships

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og kontakt os på telefon 38381010 eller [email protected]