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Unifeeder Graduate Program

Unifeeder A/S

Our graduate program is designed to prepare you for an international career within Shipping & Logistics, Business Development, Finance, Procurement or Innovations & Project Management. We offer you a two-year journey, where you will get international experience and the tools required to make a difference in the industry. After the two-year program, you will be ready to take on a key role at one of our office locations around the world.

Duration: 24 months
Rotations: 2
Languages: engelsk
Salary range: not specified
Location: Aarhus, Udland
Rotation abroad: Required
Apply in: februar, marts
Start in: september

Unifeeder A/S recruits graduates from these educations:

Marketing & Business
Strategy, Org. & Leadership
Production, Spedition & Logistics
Economics & Auditing

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Unifeeder A/S

Main office: Tangen 6, 8200 Aarhus N

Unifeeder is a dynamic logistics company with the largest and best connected feeder and shortsea network in Europe. We simplify the tasks of choosing and managing supply chains by providing efficient and sustainable transport solutions.

We accept unsolicited job applications: Apply through our webpages
We offer graduate programmes: Read more here

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og kontakt os på telefon 38381010 eller [email protected]