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Trainee: Account Manager - New Business

Lime Technologies

Do you have an appetite for selling awesome products in a group of crazy smart teammates? Have you realised that sales and business development are amazingly exciting fields? If so, you are the one we are looking for!

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Want to help businesses grow?
As an Account Manager – New Business, you work on your own sales prospects and use our CRM system to support customers in streamlining their operations and improving their profitability. Don’t worry, we will provide you with all the training you might need in order to succeed. Other than learning all you need to know about Lime and our culture, you will become a pro when it comes to sales techniques, our products, the sales process, and negotiation skills.

Once you have that, you will manage the entire sales process; everything from the initial contact to negotiations and contract preparations as well as nurturing your existing customers.

Working with sales at Lime is an exciting mix of business development, project management, and complex sales activities – at a fast pace.

We think that you:

  • Are passionate about sales
  • Have persistence & Grit
  • Have an entrepreneurial mindset
  • Are genuine & confident
  • Have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in business administration, IT, engineering, or equivalent
  • Have a driver’s license

Listen to our previous trainees
Let those who have already tested the trainee program tell you themselves. This is Martin’s story.

Life as an Account Manager - New Business

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Lime Technologies

Købmagergade 67, 4. tv., 1150 København K

We love CRM! At Lime, you find a listed company with 9 offices in 6 countries and 500 colleagues. Founded in 1990 we have been growing by approximately 20 % per year since 2000 – a pace we intend to keep. In 2020 we opened our first non-Nordic office in The Netherlands. Since then, we have entered Germany, and are continuously working on further expansion and acquisition strategies.

We offer graduate programmes: Read more here

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