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Client Specialist ( Part time position)


We are seeking a highly motivated and detail-oriented Client Specialist to join our team part-time. As a Client Specialist at TwentyThree, you will be crucial in delivering exceptional service and support to our clients. With over 1 million videos on our platform and even more plays, we are scaling quickly and looking for individuals passionate about delivering top-notch customer service and keen interest in how video is changing the world. If you want to join an innovative and dynamic team, we encourage you to apply.
The job is in Copenhagen, Onsite.


  • Serve as the primary point of contact for clients, providing responsive and effective customer support via email, phone, and live chat.
  • Onboard new clients and assist them in setting up their accounts, ensuring a smooth implementation process.
  • Understand clients' needs and requirements, and offer tailored recommendations to maximize their experience and value with our platform.
  • Troubleshoot technical issues and provide timely resolutions, escalating to the appropriate teams when necessary.
  • Proactively communicate updates, new features, and enhancements to clients, ensuring they are up to date with the latest developments.
  • Conduct training sessions and webinars to educate clients on best practices and optimize their usage of our platform.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including sales and product development, to address client feedback and drive product improvements.


  • You are pursuing your master's degree with 1-2 years remaining in your education. Your strong grasp of digital marketing and inquisitiveness fuel your curiosity in this field.
  • Your primary drive lies in crafting exceptional customer experiences and guiding them through their digital transformation journey. This motivation is centered on helping customers adapt to the digital landscape successfully.
  • Furthermore, you possess fluent English communication skills, which enable you to engage effectively in a global context.

You’ll become a part of an involving, vibrant startup culture on a mission as global challengers in the video marketing space, where your efforts will play a central role in achieving the overall growth ambitions of the company. The role entails

  • A competitive base salary
  • An attractive commission model
  • A phone and a laptop
  • Lunch (at a small cost) + coffee and Monday breakfasts are being paid for
  • An annual retreat to a sustainable location


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Sortedam Dossering 5D, 2200 København

TwentyThree is a fast growing Copenhagen based company and the proud creators of The Video Marketing Platform.Our customers use TwentyThree primarily for video marketing meaning all online video content on their website and on social platforms. Our mission is to help each and everyone succeed with TwentyThree, and with an ever growing customer base we need a strong team to stick to that ambition.

Workplace has right now 30 employees with higher educational background. In last periode they hired 5 candidates and 5 students and interns.

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