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Internship – Mechanical Engineer

DIS/CREADIS - Dansk IngeniørService A/S

Are you passionate about technology, and are you motivated by working with concept development, design, calculation, and consulting within the area of mechanics?

Are you passionate about technology, and are you motivated by working with concept development, design, calculation, and consulting within the area of mechanics?
Become a part of one of Denmark’s leading engineering and R&D companies in the spring of 2025. As an intern at our office in Ballerup, you will get an educational and challenging internship, in a company providing consultancy and engineering services as well as turn-key solutions to some of the biggest and most recognized companies in industries in Denmark and abroad.

Internship at DIS
As an Intern, you will experience what it’s like to work as a Project Engineer at DIS. Your day will be varied, and you can expect exciting and professional challenges, where you will be in close contact with customers and suppliers. From day one, you will be a part of the team, and you can expect to work on multiple projects, for different customers. Some of these projects will take place in multi-disciplinary project groups, while others will be executed individually – but always with support from skilled colleagues, and some you can ask for advice.

You will typically perform or support the following tasks:

  • Product/machine concept development
  • Basic and detailed 2D/3D design of products/machinery
  • Analytical calculations and FEA
  • Technical documentation support
  • Prototyping and testing

” During my internship at DIS, I have been working on tasks ranging from initial brainstorming and concept development to test execution and final construction. It was important for me to work with different types of tasks and challenge myself – both something that DIS to a large extent allows. If the challenges became too great, a lot of skilled colleagues were ready to help. I have also had the opportunity to shape the internship in a direction that suits my interests and competencies, which was extremely rewarding for me.”

Joakim Seier Poulsen, Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
Former Intern and now Mechanical Engineer at DIS.

Your profile
You are currently studying to become a Mechanical Engineer. You are ambitious, outgoing, creative and you have a solid professional understanding. You wish to constantly improve your skills, and we expect that you can work independently and be responsible for planning your workday. You thrive in a dynamic and innovative environment and possess the desire to create results and do not give up when things are challenging.

More than a workplace!
Being a part of DIS, you will not only get a lot of new colleagues, but you will also look into some of the benefits and perks of being an employee at DIS. We offer a varied cantina, a lot of social activities for example, Running, biking, hiking and much more. We also have social gatherings from time to time, where we meet up for a cozy afternoon. We try and create a unique workplace, where you as an employee have the best surroundings for evolving, and at DIS, it must be fun to go to work!

Mathijs Vanhauwaert
Engineering Manager

+45 41 70 71 58

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DIS/CREADIS - Dansk IngeniørService A/S

Ørstedsvej 10, Stilling, 8660 Skanderborg

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