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Press and Media Intern

U.S. Embassy, Copenhagen - Denmark

The Press and Media Intern assists in monitoring host-country press and media coverage of issues of importance to the United States. Assists in identifying and advising on strategies for promoting accurate and balanced host-country press and media coverage of U.S. foreign policy and American interests, correcting misinformation and countering disinformation.

Compiles regular summaries of press and media coverage and its impact; assists in preparing regular verbal and written reports to Mission leadership and, as required, to the Department of State (DOS) on Mission media engagement.

Helps compile background information on media outlet(s), prepares briefing materials for Embassy officials, and compiles relevant DOS or other guidance on the topics of discussion, including for potentially difficult questions or issues that may arise during press interviews or other media engagements.

Assists in producing policy-specific information (e.g., press releases, media kits, fact sheets, background papers) in English and local language(s). Collaborates with the Strategic Content Coordination (SCC) team to develop content for the Mission’s digital properties and online dissemination that accurately convey all nuances of complex U.S. policies and are of professional caliber.

Coordinates with the SCC team to repurpose press and media guidance for non-press and media audiences.

Education: At least four semesters of university level education in Journalism, Communications, International Relations, Political Science, Economics, or similar is required.

Language Proficiency: Fluent Speaking/Reading/Writing English and Danish are required.

The ideal applicant has:

  • Knowledge of and interest in U.S. foreign policy objectives and American interests in Denmark country, especially as they apply to press and media professionals, outlets, and online publications
  • A good understanding of Danish press and media institutions, professional journalism standards and practices, and trends in audience preferences for information consumption.
  • Knowledge of marketing techniques, market analysis, and audience analytics in the host country.
  • An understanding of U.S. historical, political, economic, social, and cultural forces that shape U.S. foreign policy, as well as U.S. press and media standards, norms, and practices.
  • Excellent interpersonal, and cross-cultural communication skills.
  • The ability to communicate effectively in formal and informal situations on nuances of U.S. policy.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills.

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U.S. Embassy, Copenhagen - Denmark

Main office: Dag Hammarskjölds Allé 24, 2100 København

Embassy of the United States of America to the Kingdom of Denmark - Maintaining good relations since 1827

We perodically offer student internships

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