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Bilingual Project Assistent(English / Danish)

Ber-Cph-Consulting ApS

Bilingual Project Assistent
(English / Danish)

The BER-CPH-Consulting advises among others German and Danish companies in queries of Procurement and Human Resources. We are a new established company with the focus on expansion. Therefore we are looking for a bilingual Project Assistant in Copenhagen. At the moment we are looking for a freelance working on project-based invoice basis.

Your tasks:

  • Procurement of information
  • Bid solicitation
  • Contract preperation
  • Handling of official correspondence
  • Translations

Your profile:

  • English and Danish speaking (at least B2-Level, CEFR)
  • Currently enrolled in relevant study-program at graduate or undergraduate level
  • Experience with working in a professional environment
  • Excellent writing, research and communication skills
  • Independent and solution-oriented working method
  • You convince with your friendly nature and sense of responsibility
  • You are patient but still assertive

We offer:

  • An amazing job opportunity in the project management sector
  • Prospective promotion possibilities as Project Manager
  • Flat organization structures
  • Flexible working hours
  • Home office

If you are interested, please write us an application including cover letter, CV and picture. Please mail it as PDF-File to [email protected].

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

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Ber-Cph-Consulting ApS

Athensvej 8, 2300 København S

BER-CPH-Consulting blev grundlagt i 2014 med det formål at gøre strategisk indkøb samt arbejdsmiljørådgivning i Danmark- primært vedr. sikkerhed på byggepladser – lettere tilgængeligt for udenlandske firmaer. Via vores deltagelse i diverse større byggeprojekter har vi løbende videreudviklet vores ekspertise i disciplinerne effektiv OHS management, strategisk indkøb og netværksarbejde med fagfirmaer og myndigheder.

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