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Social Media / Community Growth Intern (DK / NO / SE)

Tonsser ApS


Marketing /

Unpaid internship /


Since its launch in 2015, Tonsser has become the leading football app and platform for young players focusing on creating equal conditions and opportunities for players to unlock their potential. After building a thriving community in the Tonsser app and across social media, we are now locked in on international expansion in Europe and out of Europe for 2024 and 2025.

As we work to add more value, give visibility and provide more opportunities for youth players in France, England, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the Nordic countries, Tonsser is looking for marketing interns for various missions (Unpaid).

The Job:

We're seeking highly motivated and creative-minded Social Media / Community Growth Interns to join our team. This role is ideal for someone with a creative mindset and a passion for marketing strategies, experimentation, product and growth hacking.

The key responsibilities are:

- Assist the creation and execution of innovative growth hacking strategies to enhance user acquisition and engagement.

- Understand user behavior and identify opportunities for growth across various channels.

- Collaborate with marketing, product, and engineering teams to optimize product performance.

- Adapt global assets to fit the taste and tone of the local community.

- Source and integrate relevant content from beyond the community into the social ecosystem.

- Manage the community by responding to messages, commenting, and channeling feedback.


- Fluency in English & and either Danish, Norwegian, or Swedish (French, Dutch, German, are a HUGE plus).

- Strong interest in digital marketing and growth hacking.

- Creative thinker and approach to problem-solving.

- Social media savvy and quick learner of digital tools.

- Excellent communication and teamwork skills.

- Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and collaborate effectively as part of a team.

- Curious by nature and a fast learner.

- Unafraid to flag mistakes or raise potential issues early.

About Tonsser
Offices in Paris, Berlin and HQ in Copenhagen

Backed by international investors, top level football players and founders of companies like Spotify,, Peakon, Vivino ...

Being part of Tonsser means you're working on something very exciting: Shaping the future of football. Through technology we've seen a way to impact how new talents can be empowered and discovered; we're changing the game of football by placing the power where it belongs: in the hands of the 265 million performers of the sport. For the football players to be in control, they need their own football identity.

That's why we've built an app empowering football players to showcase their achievements and determine their success.

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Tonsser ApS

Godthåbsvej 34 B, 2000 Frederiksberg

Tonsser is a football community and app for the next generation football player that allows you to take your game to the next level.

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