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Student Assistant – R&D Insights and Machine Learning

GN Store Nord A/S

Join our team as a student assistant within R&D at GN, where you will have the opportunity to work with hands on data and AI/ML projects.

In this role, you will be supporting the daily responsibility of our insights area where we transform large datasets into intuitive Power BI dashboards. You will also have the opportunity to support our AI/ML projects with data labelling, algorithm development and creating/managing data pipelines. We are looking for a student assistant who is enthusiastic about AI/ML and has some programming/coding experience.

The Team You Will be Part of
You will be working in the Research and Technology organization in the Insights & Machine Learning group. This is team is responsible for the managing and working with large tabular datasets as well as unstructured datasets, developing novel AI/ML cloud-based solutions to improve internal processes and provide differentiated value in our solutions. Our projects support both our hearing and enterprise business divisions and we work closely with IT and operations teams.

You will be working from our HQ in Ballerup.

Joining GN as a Student Assistant
In GN, our Student Assistants typically work 15-20 hours a week. We value flexibility and will collaborate with you to ensure your working hours complement your studies.

You also have the possibility to join the GN Students Network. This expansive network connects students from various departments and frequently hosts events like Friday bars, student lunches, and other engaging social activities.

Your contribution is appreciated, and you will:

  • Help with data transformation/wrangling – providing insights to multiple internal teams such as product management, marketing, and R&D.
  • Create valuable Power Bi reports.
  • Help with machine learning projects that will be used for predictive analytics and classification problems.

To succeed in the role, we imagine that you

  • Are organized with a flexible and adaptable approach
  • Have a desire to develop your skillset and take on responsibility
  • Have a strong analytical mindset
  • Are curious and social
  • Are fluent in written and spoken English

Ideally, we are looking for a candidate that is about to enter their Master program, with an expected graduation in summer 2026.

We encourage you to apply
Even if you don’t match all the above-mentioned skills, we gladly receive your application if you think you have transferrable skills. We highly value the right mindset; motivation and energy and we believe that the right personal competencies are highly important for creating success.

We are dedicated to an inclusive recruitment process and all applicants will receive equal consideration for employment.

Join us in bringing people closer
GN brings people closer through our leading intelligent hearing, audio, video, and gaming solutions. Inspired by people and driven by innovation, we deliver technology that enhance the senses of hearing and sight. We help people with hearing loss overcome real-life challenges, improve communication and collaboration for businesses, and provide great experiences for audio and gaming enthusiasts.

How to apply?
To apply, use the ‘APPLY’ link no later than August 15. Applications are assessed on a continuous basis, so don’t wait to send yours.

We encourage you to submit your CV without a photo to ensure an equal and fair application process. We highly encourage you to write a short introduction/motivation letter.

If you would like to know more about the position, please contact Anthea Bott, Manager R&D Insights and Machine Learning.

We hope you will join us on this journey and look forward to receiving your application.


Location: Ballerup

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GN Store Nord A/S

Lautrupbjerg 7, 2750 Ballerup

GN addresses medical, professional and consumer segments with solutions that improve quality of life, facilitate communication and enhance business and personal productivity. Our brands are all based on the group’s core engineering expertise and technologies. We develop and manufacture innovative and intelligent audio and video communications solutions that are marketed and sold in around 100 countries across the world.

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