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Part-time Research Professor MSO - Vaccine Adjuvant Research

Statens Serum Institut

Center for Vaccine Research at Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, is looking for a dedicated research profile for a position as Research professor

About center for Vaccine Research
Center for Vaccine Research (CVR) at SSI is dedicated to pioneering vaccine research and clinical programs aimed at combating major global infectious diseases and cancer. The recently established division is equipped with advanced vaccine research (GMP) facilities, the organization is at the forefront of vaccine and adjuvant development.

CVR has more than 100 staff members divided between research, development and animal facilities. CVR has an active translational research strategy and has successfully licensed and commercialized programs through collaboration with the industry. CVR is funded by SSI´s commercial portfolio as well as research grants from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Horizon2020, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Innovation fund Denmark, Independent research council and many others.

About the position
As a part-time Research Professor (MSO) at the Center for Vaccine Research (CVR), you will play a crucial role in advancing our vaccine research strategy and contributing to cutting-edge scientific discoveries. Your responsibilities will include contributing to shaping the research group to be on the forefront of adjuvant research. This position offers an exciting opportunity to shape the future of vaccine research and make a significant impact in the field.

Key Responsibilities:
Research Strategy Development:

  • Collaborate with colleagues to define and refine the research strategy for the vaccine research group
  • Identify key areas of focus and research priorities aligned with the CVR’s mission
  • Drive innovative research initiatives related to vaccines, immunology, and infectious diseases

Research Partnership Development:

  • Establish and maintain research partnerships with relevant stakeholders
  • Foster collaborations that enhance the CVR’s research capabilities and funding opportunities.

Publication and Translation:

  • Publish research findings in reputable scientific journals
  • Translate novel discoveries into practical applications and translational strategies


  • The position is open to qualified candidates with an academic background from industry or universities.
  • The ideal candidate will have a background either in an established research environment or in a commercial company with relevant experience.

We offer
A 10% Part-time position (corresponding to 3,7 hours a week) as Research Professor (MSO). We offer a very exciting job with high influence, visibility and good career opportunities. You will work in a many faceted organization with high professionalism and internationally leading scientists and research groups, with the common goal of improving human and animal health.

Terms of employment
The employment will be on a fixed term contract for up to 5 years with the possibility of prolongment for an additional 3 years.

The employment will be in accordance with the terms of the collective agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Federation of Professional Associations (AC-overenskomsten) and the Danish Ministry of Finance’s circular concerning the job structure for scientific staff working with research at sector research institutions (Stillingsstruktur for videnskabeligt personale med forskningsopgaver ved sektorforskningsinstitutioner) specifically regarding §12 Research professor with Special Responsibilities .

Further information
For further details and informal enquiries please contact Director Frank Follmann +45 3268 8296.

Application and recruitment process:
Click “apply” to send your job application with the following appendixes

  • curriculum vitae (CV)
  • copies of relevant academic diplomas (master and PhD)
  • list of scientific publications
  • 5 scientific publications.

Your research qualifications will be assessed by a scientific assessment committee in accordance with the current Danish rules for employment of scientific staff working with research at sector research institutions in Denmark.

First round of interviews is expected to be held medio august and second round of interviews is expected to be held ultimo august.

Artillerivej 5, København S

Lokation: København

Application deadline: 12 Jul 2024

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Application deadline 12 July 2024
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Statens Serum Institut

Artillerivej 5, 2300 København S

SSI er et institut under Sundheds- og Ældreministeriet, hvis mission er, at "Vi styrker sundhed gennem sygdomskontrol og forskning".

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