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Student Worker to End-User Tech


Explore Microsoft technologies and Digital Consultancy as a Student Worker with us!

We are looking for a student assistant to join our end-user tech team (EUT) in Bankdata, where we focus on the digital end-user experience within the workplace. We are seeking a motivated Student Worker to join our team that specializes in Microsoft 365 (M365) technologies and are responsible for the workplace.

This role offers an excellent opportunity for a student to gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge M365 tools and contribute to the success of our iniciatives. As a Student Worker, you will support the business consultants with various tasks, including project planning, stakeholder management, documentation, and communication.

You will join a diverse team that includes product owners, architects, end-user adoption consultants, and more. We have locations in Aarhus and Fredericia, so your primary workplace will be decided accordingly. We value your social skills as much as your professional expertise. You should be motivated and eager to learn. We work in a vibrant environment where the constant development of technology set the direction, however we set the agenda having our costumers in focus.

What will you be working on?

  • Support and drive implementations of new technologies to our customers.
  • Prepare reports on system performance, user feedback, and project progress.
  • Conduct research on new features and updates in the M365 suite and how they can benefit the organization.
  • Assist in the development and testing of new solutions using M365 technologies.
  • Lead training sessions and create user guides to help users effectively utilize M365 tools.


  • Currently enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program in Information Technology, business intelligence, or a related field.
  • Eagerness to learn.
  • Good communication skills in Danish and English, both written and verbal.
  • Ability to work independently and take responsibility.
  • Have a customer-oriented and problem-solving mindset. We encourage all team members to ask questions and challenge the status que.
  • Knowledge about Microsoft cloud technologies ex: Office 365, Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive.

We prioritize motivation and individual development
It's important to us that you thrive and feel motivated in your job. Therefore, you will quickly notice that we focus on your individual development. For example, you will have the opportunity for at least 4 'Grow - Perform - Succeed' discussions per year, where you and your closest manager will initiate a development plan and discuss career paths.

Additionally, we offer 'On the job training', where you can acquire new knowledge and skills as part of your tasks. And of course, we provide the best conditions to ensure that your work life and family/personal life harmonize well."

Does it sound interesting?
Then send us your application and your CV as soon as possible. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Product Owner in EUT, Ditte Storvang, at 40 82 02 64. We are conducting ongoing interviews with candidates.

Velkommen til Bankdata
Bankdata bygger software til finanssektoren. Vi er næsten 1000 kolleger på holdet, og vi udvikler digitale produkter, platforme og infrastruktur, som ca. hver tredje dansker, 200.000 virksomheder og flere tusinde bankansatte bruger hver dag.

Vi tror på struktureret personlig udvikling, et stærkt kollegialt fællesskab og at ambitiøse medarbejdere med fleksible og bæredygtige arbejdsliv præsterer bedre. Bliv klogere på arbejdslivet i Bankdata her.

Hos Bankdata arbejder vi aktivt med at fremme mangfoldighed og diversitet blandt vores medarbejdere, og vi opfordrer derfor alle uanset kønsidentitet, alder og kulturel baggrund til at søge job hos os.

Erritsø Bygade 102, Fredericia

Erritsø Bygade 102, Fredericia

Erritsø Bygade 102, Fredericia

Location: Fredericia

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Erritsø Bygade 102, 7000 Fredericia

Bankdata er blandt Danmarks største it-virksomheder. Vi udvikler al det it, som en bank har brug for - fra net- og mobilbank til rådgivningsværktøjer, support og sikkerhed.

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