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Sales Development Representative [DK, SE, IT, DE, UK] ApS

Clerk is looking for new talent to expand their Sales Development team. Nurture your professional growth in the SaaS and e-commerce landscape by getting the chance to collaborate with us.

About us
We love our employees just as much as we value our customers: at Clerk you will find a hub where exchanging ideas is not only welcomed, but encouraged. That's also why we offer a variety of opportunities for our team members to develop their skills and advance their careers, from workshops to career reviews. We know that when you grow, Clerk grows with you.

About the role
As a Sales Development Representative, you will be working alongside our Growth team. We are looking for multiple hires, so we can expand the team across all the markets we are working on. Your responsibilities will include:

  • Identify leads based on our ICP (Ideal Customer Profile)
  • Cold call prospects with value-based proposition for our personalization platform
  • Book meetings between our potential customers and our Business Consultants

Who we are looking for:

  • Previous experience with B2B sales is highly valued
  • Native or fluent bilingual language proficiency in English plus one of the following languages: Danish, Swedish, Italian and German.
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Being familiar with CRMs is a plus

Our offer:

  • Base hourly salary + commissions
  • The start of your career path in B2B sales.

If all of the above sounds interesting, apply with your CV and we will get back to you as soon as possible! We will kick-off the hiring process with a screening call from our Talent Acquisition department.

Department: Kigkurren 8G, Copenhagen

Lokation: Part time

Application deadline: 30 Sep 2024

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Kigkurren 8g, 2300 København S

At, we understand the complexities of modern e-commerce and that is the reason why we develop tools to help online retailers and marketers automate time-consuming processes and help webshops sell even more.

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