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Chemist/ Chemical Engineer


CustomiseMe Odense Internship Cofounder

Salary Unpaid

Equity To be negotiated

Hello people,

We are looking to expand our team and are searching for an active student to join our vibrant startup.

We are looking for a Formulation Scientist Intern to join our R&D department in Odense and contribute to the development of cosmetic products. You will have the opportunity to follow the development of new products from the lab test to the market launch.

Who are we looking for?
We are looking for someone that has the following things:

  • A chemistry student
  • A first experience in formulation of cosmetics would be a bonus
  • Autonomy
  • Flexibility, flexibility, and more flexibility (as a startup things change all the time)
  • Entrepreneurial spirit
  • Independent worker, with the ability to collaborate in teams when needed

What will you be doing?

  • Formulate new products and optimize already existing formulas prototypes
  • Characterization and performance evaluation of products
  • Ensuring compliance with current European regulations in the cosmetics sector
  • Help with producing our current line of products
  • Scientific mediation : facilitate soap making workshops in Odense and Copenhagen

We are planning on developing and launching several new products between Q4 2024 and Q1 2025 and are looking for the right person to join us and help us shape the future of CustomiseMe.

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Falen 21D, 2TV, 5000 Odense, 5000 Odense

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