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Bliv studentermedhjælper i Tax & Legal – få erfaring mens du læser (English below)

PwC - Revision | Rådgivning | Skat

Line of Service

Not Applicable

General Tax Consulting

Management Level

Job Description & Summary

Er du klar til at sætte teorien fra din uddannelse i spil og få praktisk erfaring med dit fag?
Så bliv studentermedhjælper i en af PwC’s Tax & Legal afdelinger i enten Hellerup eller Aarhus og træd ind i en international virksomhed, hvor du får gode udviklingsmuligheder og erfarne kolleger, som du kan læne dig op ad.

Du skal endelig også læse videre, hvis du har en data- eller teknologiprofil. Vi søger også studentermedhjælpere til vores teknologiteam i Tax & Legal.

Som studentermedhjælper i PwC får du et varieret studiejob i et meget specialiseret fagligt miljø, hvilket åbner dørene op for gode karrieremuligheder” fortæller Philip, Transfer Pricing.
Velkommen til PwC Tax & Legal
I Tax & Legal samarbejder godt 300 dygtige kolleger om at hjælpe kunder i det danske erhvervsliv på en lang række juridiske områder og med stort set alle aspekter af skatteret. Du bliver en del af en af vores 8 afdelinger og her danner et ungt, uformelt og socialt miljø rammerne for en hverdag, hvor teamwork og videndeling står højt på agendaen.

I PwC støtter vi hinanden, og det betyder, at vi hjælper dig godt fra start, og støtter dig i at balancere studie og arbejde. Du får også en Career Coach som følger og støtter din udvikling, og hjælper dig med at styrke dine kompetencer.

Samtidig er vi en virksomhed, der hylder forskellighed, og du bliver derfor en del af en afdeling med en god fordeling og blanding af kompetencer, uanset hvilken afdeling du ender med at blive en del af. Herudover bliver du en del af en markedssucces, ligesom PwC er et powerhouse af viden, som du kan suge til dig.
Start din karriere i PwC
Som studentermedhjælper kommer du omkring et væld af forskellige opgaver, som du løser i samarbejde med dine kolleger i afdelingen. Hvilke opgaver du helt nøjagtig vil komme til at arbejde med, afhænger af hvilken afdeling, du bliver en del af, men vi sørger for, at de matcher dine kompetencer – så du udvikler dem i et tempo, der passer dig. Vi har god erfaring med at fastansætte studentermedhjælpere efter endt kandidatuddannelse. Ved eventuel fastansættelse vil du indgå i vores graduate program i Tax & Legal.
Du vil komme til at arbejde gennemsnitligt 15 timer ugentligt, men arbejdstiden er fleksibel.

De forskellige afdelinger er:

  • Compliance & Wealth – arbejder i krydsfeltet mellem selskabs - og personskat
  • Deals Tax – arbejder med private equity-kunder og M&A-transaktioner
  • Indirect Taxes – arbejder med moms, told og punktafgifter
  • Business Tax – arbejder med selskabsskat, omstruktureringer, generationsskifte og ejendomsskat
  • International Tax & Financial Services – arbejder med grænseoverskridende skat og finansielle virksomheder
  • Transfer Pricing – arbejder med multinationale selskabers grænseoverskridende transaktioner
  • Shipping, Oil & Energy (kun Hellerup) – arbejder med energi-, olie- og shippingvirksomheder
  • Legal – arbejder med selskabs- og handelsret samt M&A.

Hvis du har en mere teknologifokuseret baggrund og/eller interesse…
… kan du også blive en del af vores Tax & Legal teknologiteam, som udvikler datadrevne løsninger og automatisering. Her vil du samarbejde med forskellige afdelinger inden for Tax & Legal samt med vores kunder for at udvikle løsninger og værktøjer, der for eksempel kan strømline og automatisere processer, øge effektiviteten, forbedre dataanalyse og meget mere.
Der er masser af læring at hente…
… hvis du er klar til at gå til opgaverne med godt humør ud fra devisen om, at du er her for at suge viden til dig. Det kræver kun, at du:

  • Er interesseret i skatteret og er på sidste år af en relevant bachelor med forventningen om at fortsætte på en kandidat, eller allerede er i gang med en kandidatuddannelse inden for økonomi, finans eller jura (f.eks. HA (jur.)/cand.merc.jur, HA (Almen), cand.merc.aud., cand.merc.fir., cand.oecon. eller lignende). Vores teknologiteam har endvidere uddannelser inden for eksempelvis matematik og civilingeniør inden for matematisk modellering.
  • Har gode analytiske egenskaber
  • Kan kommunikere flydende på dansk og engelsk
  • Er en holdspiller og tager ansvar for dine opgaver

Til alt det, du er. Og alt det, du kan blive.
Som en del af PwC er du både en del af en markedssucces og et sted, der er rart at være. Det er i samspillet mellem de to, at tilliden opstår, karrieren udvikler sig, og hvor du og dine kolleger er med til at finde løsninger for erhvervslivet og for det samfund, vi alle sammen er en del af. Det er derfor, vi siger: Succes skaber vi sammen.
Vil du være en del af vores stærke fællesskab?
Send din ansøgning, CV og eksamensbeviser via linket øverst på siden. Derudover bedes du angive din foretrukne lokation (Aarhus eller Hellerup). Du er også mere end velkommen til at kontakte Rebecca Avnborg på [email protected], hvis du er blevet nysgerrig på jobbet eller har nogle spørgsmål.
Husk at søge inden d. 16. marts 2025, men bemærk at vi holder samtaler løbende, så søg hellere i dag end i morgen!
Vi forestiller os, at din første arbejdsdag bliver d. 1. april eller 1. maj 2025
Mød kommende kolleger og læs endnu mere om, hvordan det er at arbejde hos PwC på:


Become our student worker in Tax & Legal – gain experience while you study
Are you ready to use the theory from your studies and gain practical experience within your field?
Then join us as a student assistant in one of PwC’s Tax & Legal departments in either Hellerup or Aarhus and step into an international company where you will get great development opportunities and experienced colleagues to lean on.
If you have a data or technology profile, you should definitely also continue reading. We are also looking for student assistants in our Technology team in Tax & Legal.

As a student worker in PwC, you will get a job with great variation in a highly specialized environment, which will open doors to advancing your career” says Philip, Transfer Pricing.
Welcome to PwC Tax & Legal
In Tax & Legal, approximately 300 skilled colleagues collaborate to assist clients in the Danish business community across a wide range of legal areas and nearly all aspects of tax law. You will join one of our 8 departments, each fostering an informal and social environment that highly values teamwork and knowledge sharing.

At PwC, we support each other, which means we will make sure you are off to a great start and assist you in balancing work with your studies. You will also have a Career Coach who will follow and support your development, and help you strengthen your skills.

We are also a company that embraces diversity, and you will be part of a good mix of skills, regardless of which department you are employed in. Additionally, you will be part of a market success, and PwC is a powerhouse of knowledge that you will have the opportunity to absorb.
Start your career at PwC
As a student assistant, you will work on a range of tasks in collaboration with your colleagues. The exact tasks you will work on depend on which department you become part of, but we will make sure to match your skills, allowing you to grow them at a pace that is just right for you.
We have good experience with hiring student assistants once they graduate. Should this be in the cards for you, you will become part of our graduate program in Tax & Legal.
You will be working around 15 hours a week, but the hours are flexible.

The different departments are:

  • Compliance & Wealth – working at the intersection of corporate and personal tax.
  • Deals Tax – working with private equity clients and M&A transactions.
  • Indirect Taxes – working with VAT, customs, and excise duties.
  • Business Tax – working with corporate tax, restructuring, succession planning, and property tax.
  • International Tax & Financial Services – working with cross-border tax and financial companies.
  • Transfer Pricing – working with multinational companies' cross-border transactions.
  • Shipping, Oil & Energy (only in Hellerup) – working with energy, oil, and shipping companies.
  • Legal – working with corporate and commercial law as well as M&A.

If you have a more technology-focused background and/or interest…
… you can become part of our Tax & Legal technology team where we develop data-driven solutions and automation. Here, you will collaborate with a range of departments within Tax & Legal as well as our customers to develop solutions and tools, e.g. to streamline and automate processes, increase efficiency, improve data analysis, and much more.
There is plenty to learn…
… if you are ready to face the tasks head-on with a quest to gain knowledge All it takes is for you to:

  • Be interested in tax law and on the last year of a relevant bachelor’s degree with plans to continue onto a master’s – or you are already doing your master’s within economics, finance, or law (e.g. business administration & commercial law, business economics & auditing, advanced economics & finance or similar). Our technology team also has courses within e.g. mathematics and civil engineering within mathematical modeling
  • Possess good analytical abilities
  • Be able to communicate fluently in Danish and English
  • Be a team player who takes responsibility for your assigned tasks

For all that you are. And all that you will be.
Joining PwC, you will become part of both a market success and a genuinely nice place to be. It is exactly this combination that creates trust, develops careers and where you and your colleagues are part of finding solutions for the business community and the society, we are all a part of. That is why we say: Success is something we create together.
Want to be part of our strong community?
Send your application, CV, and exam papers via the link at the top. Moreover, please state your preferred location (Aarhus or Hellerup). You are also more than welcome to contact Rebecca Avnborg at [email protected] if you are curious about the job or have any questions.

Remember to apply no later than March 16, 2025, but note that we conduct interviews on an ongoing basis, so rather apply today than tomorrow!

Start date April 1 or May 1, 2025.

Meet future colleagues and read more about what it’s like to work at PwC at:

Education (if blank, degree and/or field of study not specified)

Degrees/Field of Study required:

Degrees/Field of Study preferred:

Certifications (if blank, certifications not specified)

Required Skills

Optional Skills
Accepting Feedback, Accepting Feedback, Active Listening, Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS), Business Tax, Communication, Consolidated Tax Returns, Corporate Structuring, Economic Translation, Emotional Regulation, Empathy, Financial Modeling, Financial Statement Analysis, Financial Structuring, Inclusion, Intellectual Curiosity, International Taxation, Legal Document Review, Macroeconomics (Economics), Optimism, Structured Transactions, Tax Accounting, Tax Auditing, Tax Compliance, Tax Dispute Resolution {+ 6 more}

Desired Languages (If blank, desired languages not specified)

Travel Requirements
Not Specified

Available for Work Visa Sponsorship?

Government Clearance Required?

Job Posting End Date
March 17, 2025

Location: Hellerup - Strandvejen 44

Additional location:

  • Aarhus

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Application deadline 16 March 2025
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PwC - Revision | Rådgivning | Skat

Main office: Strandvejen 44, 2900 Hellerup

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