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Student Worker, B2B eCommerce

Abena A/S

Interested in eCommerce? Content Management? Content Creation? Graphical Design? Working in a global organization? Read no further; we have the perfect job for you.

ABENA’s Corporate B2B eCommerce team is looking for a student worker to help us implement our website in our subsidiaries.

About Your New Team
We are a team of four dedicated eCommerce professionals, working in close corporation with the marketing department, ABENA Data and ABENA subsidiaries.
We are working with development of ABENA´s new group platform for website and eCommerce, roll-out to ABENA Subsidiaries and campaign development and execution. Our overall target is to support the digitalization of the ABENA business to secure a cost efficient and scalable platform for future growth.

About the Job
You will work closely with three experienced eCommerce professionals, who are eager to support you, introduce you to the platform and train you in using the content management system.

The main purpose is to establish national webpages and you will get hands on experience working in Sitecore Content Management System converting existing content from current webpages and other sources to the new webpage.

Besides converting existing content you will also contribute with creating content for new sections, small graphical design tasks, testimonials and campaign related activities.

In advance, we promise you a lot of experience and insights into eCommerce, Marketing and digital campaigning on a global scale, a network of +40 marketing experts within different fields in our Marketing & Digital department.

Your assignments will include:

  • Content migration to national websites
  • Content clean up on national and global website
  • Content creation on global and national websites
  • Small graphical design tasks
  • Supporting the implementation of global campaign activities

About You
Our ideal candidate should, above all, be keen to learn more about eCommerce, content management and content creation.

Moreover, we also look for the following:

  • You are fluent in English and you have excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • You are enrolled as a student in a relevant field (e.g., communication, marketing, graphic design, etc.)
  • You don’t need to have experience with content management, but it is an advantage
  • If you have experience with Sitecore and/or Adobe, it is also an advantage
  • You are motivated to take on minor written assignments and enjoy tasks occurring naturally in connection with the above.
  • You are structured, organized, and can work independently.

We are characterized by being a workplace with a high ceiling and an informal atmosphere, where we work well together and have fun. We go to great lengths to help each other, and despite being a larger company, we value collegiality, with everyone naturally greeting each other in the hallways.

You will be based at our Headquarters in Aabenraa, and we envision a weekly working hours limit of a maximum of 15 hours depending on the department's needs and your schedule, emphasizing that you prioritize your studies.

Send us your application
Would you like to be part of our team? Send your application and CV, along with relevant attachments, as soon as possible. We will invite relevant candidates for interview after the summer vacation.

If you would like to learn more about the job, feel free to contact Head of B2B eCommerce, Peter Götzsche at +45 51 58 19 49.

Department: Egelund 35, Aabenraa

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Abena A/S

Egelund 35, 6200 Aabenraa

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