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Student assistant in the Red Cross Disaster & Crisis Unit

Røde Kors

Are you interested in humanitarian issues? Can you coordinate and structure processes and events? And does it sound appealing to get to know the Red Cross, build competencies, and deploy staff to humanitarian responses? Then this might be the student job for you!

We are looking for a student to support our efforts related to deploying professionals to humanitarian emergencies and the competence development of our staff in the international department. You will gain an understanding of how humanitarian work is planned and executed with a particular focus on the pathway of staff before, during and after humanitarian deployments.

The position is placed in The Disaster & Crisis Response Unit of Danish Red Cross which consist of thirty colleagues in four teams: Global Response, Supply Chain, Warehouse and Training & Rosters. The Unit sets the direction and framework for DRC’s emergency response, maintains operational surge capacity to assist countries in acute emergencies and manages DRC’s emergency funds. The position is based in the Training and Roster team, but you will also be part of a network of students in the department that collectively support some of the cross-cutting tasks.

Your key responsibilities will be:

  • Planning and coordinating trainings and workshops including booking of venues, bookings of flights, visa applications etc.
  • Handling course registrations and inquiries in our Learning Platform.
  • Administrative tasks related to deployment of delegates including time registration, booking of briefings, visa applications etc.
  • Minor financial tasks relating to course budgets and invoices.
  • Communication tasks such as updating website/Intranet, training calendar, video/photo editing.
  • Contribute to the development of new activities and guidance in the Training & Roster team.
  • Offer general support to the Disaster & Crisis Response Unit and across the International Department as needed.

The specific tasks will depend on our activity calendar and the current ongoing humanitarian responses.

Ideally you can say yes to the following:

  • Have an interest in the humanitarian sector and preferably knowledge and experience from your studies, internship, volunteering or other.
  • Like to work in an international workplace where the pace and priorities change.
  • Have completed the first year of your studies within a relevant field e.g. social sciences, geography.
  • Can structure your work independently and be proactive when you need support.
  • Like to coordinate processes and information with the user in mind. Experience in event planning or trainings appreciated.
  • Have effective communication skills in written/verbal English and Danish. Other language skills such as French or Arabic an advantage.
  • You have strong digital skills and interest in exploring new programmes and solutions. Experience with video editing, intra/internet editing and Microsoft Office considered an advantage.

You can expect to gain

  • An interesting and meaningful student job in the world’s largest humanitarian network.
  • Opportunity to build competencies and skills in coordination, planning, communication etc.
  • An interesting work environment with helpful colleagues and support in a smaller team.
  • Flexibility in terms of planning around your studies.

Application process
Application and CV in English are accepted only through our online recruitment system.

Deadline for submission is September 22, 2024.

The position is for 15 hours a week with preferable starting date 01 October 2024. Salary level and benefits will be in accordance with the Danish Red Cross' Staff Agreement with AC/HK. The position is based in Copenhagen.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Gitte Ashcroft Nordentoft, Team Coordinator Training & Roster, [email protected], Ph. 53545087

Department: Disaster & Crisis Response

Deadline: 22 September 2024

Location: Disaster & Crisis Response / Titangade, 13, 2200, København, Danmark

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Application deadline 22 September 2024
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Røde Kors

Blegdamsvej 27, 2100 København Ø

Omkring 13 millioner frivillige i 192 lande udgør kernen i Røde Kors. I Danmark er vi næsten 35.000 frivillige. Røde Kors har gennem mere end 150 år bygget på den samme idé. Vi hjælper mennesker i nød uden at skele til nationalitet, etnicitet eller religion. Vi er en neutral organisation, der er uafhængig af partipolitik. Men vi har holdninger og taler de sårbares sag.

Workplace has right now 300 employees with higher educational background. In last periode they hired 5 candidates and 20 students and interns.

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