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Student Assistant for Legal and Contract Management at NNIT
Do you want to combine your academic studies with real life experience in an international IT environment?

At NNIT you will get the opportunity to work side-by-side with some of the brightest IT minds and to learn in a professional international environment.

As a student assistant in Legal and Contract Management you will become a part of a team responsible for assisting our business in contract negotiations, contract management and many other interesting tasks within the legal area.

Your primary responsibilities:

  • Handling of the contract archive including physical and electronic archiving
  • Informing account managers about issues (e.g. signatures missing, appendices missing, pages missing, etc.)
  • Ensuring that the archive system is updated for each contract according to the status
  • Support the review and validation of sales incentive payments, weekly reporting and follow up etc.
  • Assist in reviews of MSAs, NDAs and similar legal documents
  • Assist in business registration activities and related administration of international subsidiaries
  • Assist in Contract Management, e.g., changes, disputes, obligation identification and follow up
  • Assist the legal team with other ad hoc tasks

Ideally you:

  • Are minimum halfway through a bachelor within legal
  • Have an interest in optimization, business understanding and is a top performer
  • Are structured, possess strong analytical skills and is a team player
  • Are an advanced user of Microsoft Office, especially Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
  • Have an interest in IT law and GDPR

At NNIT, your English skills will be highly valued as many tasks require a high level of English.

Become a member of NNIT’s Young Professionals Community
We think students bring great value, so we take great care to hire the right students and in making their jobs attractive.

Students, graduates, interns, juniors and associates working in NNIT come together in a community called NNIT's Young Professionals. It is a network for NNIT colleagues at the beginning of their careers, and its purpose is to build bridges, share knowledge, and create relations. Inspirational events is hosted monthly and we meet socially in several settings both at the office and outside - or virtually to network internationally with the whole NNIT.

Please submit your CV and motivation letter in English.

As we evaluate applications continuously, we encourage you to apply for the position as soon as possible.

Denmark - CPH - HQ

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Østmarken 3A, 2860 Søborg

IT advisory, development and operations with a strong focus on life sciences, finance, the public sector and large enterprises with equally high demands on quality and security.

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