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Summer Interns Technology 2025

Schibsted Danmark

Job Description
Role? We continue the success from previous years and are getting ready to welcome technology interns for our summer project in 2025! You will work in a team with 7 other students and get support from our experienced and engaged developers. The goal for the project is that the functionality you and the rest of the team develop will be published on and used by thousands of users. The duration of the project is 8 weeks, from 16.06 to 08.08.

You? A technology student (2. - 4. year) that’s looking to practise your skills and knowledge. As a developer on our summer project we don’t expect you to have any specific prior knowledge, but you do have to be curious, flexible and hungry to learn new things.

Tech stack? Our front-end technology is mostly Javascript with Node.js, React and/or Vue.js. Our backend code base is often written in Java, Kotlin, Scala, Go, Node.js, Python (and others). It is up to you and the other summer interns which language you want to use to solve the task. We strive to write high-quality, decoupled code. With the help of continuous rollout, the road to production is short and our production code is updated several times a day. We are therefore concerned with both cloud solutions and DevOps. Our developers are responsible for the entire product life cycle; from development to production.

Company? In 2023, joined forces with Bilbasen and DBA in Denmark, Oikotie and Tori in Finland, and Blocket in Sweden, collectively forming Schibsted Marketplaces. Together, we serve over 325 million monthly visits. Our technology unit, comprising around 250 developers in Oslo, is instrumental to our success story, deploying new code to production over 1800 times per week.

Why us? As a summer intern in you’ll get to work with a product that 96% of the Norwegian population knows. You will gain valuable experience in working with a project from ideation to production. This will give you unique work experience that you will benefit from later in your career. In addition, you will get a real experience of how we work at FINN.

If you are looking for a workplace where you can practise your skills, learn and grow, get inspired, be yourself, and make a difference, let us hear from you by 06.10.

Developer Amund Murstad will be happy to answer questions you might have about the project. Feel free to apply in either English or Norwegian.

Work with great people
Kai de la Cruz

Product Analyst Lead

"Working towards a more circular economy is an important issue to tackle and an inspiring cause to work for. It's something that motivates me in my work."

Anna Katarzyna Bytnar

Software Developer

"My colleagues are a supportive and diverse group of people. I really enjoy our work environment which is balanced, flexible and fun."

Camilla Røhme

UX Manager

"The culture is open, everyone is always ready to help with any challenge and we figure it out together. I feel people are genuinely interested in their colleagues' well-being."

Anders Halvorsen

Sales Manager

"Being part of something bigger than yourself, making a difference in people’s everyday lives together with some of your best friends is what really gets me up in the morning."

Great Place to Work

  • Good opportunities for personal and professional development
  • Afterworks, kick-off, Christmas party, summer party, and other social initiatives
  • Sponsored employee-driven activities
  • Access to well-equipped gym and group classes
  • All employees are offered to buy shares through our Employee Share Saving Plan
  • Hybrid working arrangement, subsidized canteen, coffee bar and our very own barista
  • Holiday homes for rent in the mountains
  • Subsidized physiotherapist, massage therapist, and mental health support

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Schibsted Danmark

Wildersgade 8, 1408 København K

Schibsted is a family of digital brands with a mission to empower people in their daily lives. We do this by providing leading online marketplaces, building world-class media houses, and helping great companies scale.

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