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EU Partnership Intern - DRC Brussels, Representation Office

Dansk Flygtningehjælp

EU Partnership Intern - DRC Brussels, Representation Office

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is looking for an intern to support the partnership and engagement efforts towards Brussels-based EU decision makers. DRC Brussels is a small team working on partnership and advocacy towards EU institutions. You will be part of a small and dynamic team in Brussels, reporting to our Senior Partnership Advisor – EU donors, working alongside and supporting the EU Partnership Advisor, and collaborating with other team members including the Senior EU Advocacy Advisors, the Regional Finance Coordinator, and the EU Director.

About the job
You will work alongside and support colleagues in the DRC Brussels Representation, with an emphasis on the following tasks:

  • Support with tasks related to both internal and external meetings
  • Logistics and coordination around preparation for virtual and in person meetings of DRC field and HQ colleagues
  • Information-gathering and drafting of internal and external written products
  • Support with stakeholder mapping for partnership outreach
  • Monitor developments, provide analyses, and inform relevant colleagues, on issues related to ECHO, INTPA, NEAR, and FPI funding as well as the EU’s role in different humanitarian crises and conflict-affected settings and the EU’s humanitarian and resilience policies
  • Support DRC performance analyses as well as analyses of data, policies and programming related to DRC EU partnership engagement
  • Maintain Insite (intranet) pages for the team and other communication tools, including the quarterly Newsletter
  • Formatting and proofreading of documents, EU donor-related tools and Insite pages
  • Other administrative support.

There may be additional tasks assigned depending on the qualifications of the successful candidate.

About you
To be successful in this role we expect you to have a keen interest in humanitarian operations, global displacement and migration; have knowledge about EU institutions and legal frameworks; and be well articulate in English.

Moreover, we expect the following:


  • University degree (bachelor required, master recommended) in law, social sciences, international development, humanitarian aid, or any other relevant degree
  • Be fluent in both written and spoken English
  • Be effective in the use of MS Office and knowledge of/experience with Office 365
  • Have good interpersonal and communication skills
  • Be able to work independently as well as in a team
  • Be able to work systematically with a good structure for the work that you do
  • Have an eye for detail and strive to get the job done.


  • Knowledge of and interest in international and EU humanitarian and development funding, NGO funding/partnership engagement, or previous experience in the humanitarian sector.

Please note that you need to have the right to work in Belgium (through nationality or existing work visa) in order to be considered for this role. DRC is not providing support to relocate to Brussels.

People with a migration or refugee background are highly encouraged to apply.

We offer
Paid internship for 6 months (Belgian Contract – “Contrat belge d’immersion professionelle”).

Workplace: DRC Brussels, Avenue des Arts 7-8, 1210 Bruxelles (Belgium)

Start date: 1 November 2024

Duration: 6 months – with possibility to extend up to another 6 months

Please note that you need to have the right to work in Belgium (through nationality or existing work visa) in order to be considered for this role.

Application process
All applicants must send a cover letter and an updated CV in English. Apply online on our page Current Vacancies at . Applications sent by email will not be considered.
Closing date for applications: Monday, 30 September, 17:00.

Further information
For further information about the Danish Refugee Council, please consult our website

Department: Borgergade 10, 3.sal , København K

Location: Brussels

Application deadline: 30 Sep 2024

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Dansk Flygtningehjælp

Borgergade 10, 1300 København K

Dansk Flygtningehjælp hjælper flygtninge og internt fordrevne overalt i verden: Vi giver akut nødhjælp, kæmper for deres rettigheder og styrker deres fremtidsmuligheder. Vi er til stede i konfliktområderne, langs flugtruterne og dér, hvor flygtningene bosætter sig. Vi samarbejder med de lokale samfund om ansvarlige og bæredygtige løsninger. Vi arbejder for en vellykket integration og – når det er muligt – for, at flygtninge og fordrevne kan få opfyldt ønsket om at vende hjem.

Workplace has right now 500 employees with higher educational background. In last periode they hired 10 candidates and 25 students and interns.

We DO NOT ACCEPT unsolicited job applications.

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