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Lighting Design Student Assistant

Artelia Group

Artelia is seeking a passionate & motivated lighting design student assistant to join our team. Join a rewarding journey where your creativity and expertise can make a meaningful impact!
About Artelia
Artelia is a global engineering and project management consultancy firm renowned for delivering innovative solutions across various sectors. With a commitment to excellence and sustainability, Artelia fosters a dynamic work environment where creativity thrives and talent flourishes.

As a lighting design student assistant, you will have the opportunity to work alongside experienced professionals on diverse projects spanning the realms of architecture, urban design and infrastructure. This position offers a hands-on learning experience in lighting design, providing exposure to cutting-edge technologies and methodologies. You will experience

  • Hands-on experience working on real-world projects
  • Working with both indoor lighting, urban lighting, street lighting and daylighting
  • Mentorship from industry professionals
  • Exposure to a diverse range of projects and clients
  • Opportunity to develop technical skills and expand professional network
  • Great free lunch

We embrace
Great openminded people with a flair for working transdiciplinary and holisticly with light as a technical and artistic design medium.

You have worked with Dialux Evo and are familiar with softwares, such as:

  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Revit
  • Rhino
  • AutoCAD

If you find this interesting, we would love to receive your CV and portfolio showcasing relevant work examples. In your portfolio, please highlight your interest in lighting design and any relevant experiences or skills you possess.

Lenny Dueholm
Afdelingsleder | Bygnings-el
2540 0272
2540 0272
[email protected]

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Artelia Group

Buddingevej 272, 2860 Søborg

Artelia er en af Danmarks største rådgivende ingeniørvirksomheder med mere end 1.100 medarbejdere fordelt på kontorer over hele landet. Vi er en del af Artelia Group – en multidisciplinær ingeniørkoncern med speciale inden for byggeri, infrastruktur, vand, energi og industri med samlet over 7.400 ansatte. Internationalt har koncernen kontorer i mere end 40 lande i Europa, Afrika, Mellemøsten, Asien og Amerika.

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