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Design Intern at Digital Agency - Spring 2025


Kvalifik Copenhagen Internship

Salary DKK 3,000 - DKK 6,800

We are looking for a design intern who will help draw the lines for the future’s successful, user-friendly products, as part of Kvalifik’s team in the spring of 2025. So if you are passionate about digital design and UX and want to be part of a digital agency with an ambitious and entrepreneurial team, here is a unique opportunity.

We love to work with ambitious companies to turn (sometimes crazy) ideas into reality and make digital innovation happen for NGOs, startups and large corporations. A few selected clients we've worked with include Carlsberg, Veo, Mikkeller, Danica and a lot of interesting startups!

We are looking for someone who...

  • is passionate about good design - both aesthetics and usability.
  • has experience with using Figma for creating designs and crafting prototypes
  • has experience with user testing and fieldwork.
  • is self-driven, motivated and ambitious, and thrives in a agency environment where things are moving fast
  • knows about design thinking, innovation processes and digital product development.
  • experience in programming is a plus, but not a must.
  • Fluency in Danish or other Scandinavian language is a plus
  • studies a relevant design education, for example, Design and Innovation, Digital Media and Design, Strategic Design and Entrepreneurship or similar OR someone with a relevant degree that want to gain professional experience working in a digital agency
  • Available for an internship of at least 10 weeks, with a commitment of at least 4 days per week.
  • Can work from our office at least 60% of the time (no full remote)

Our culture and what we offer...

  • A fun, ambitious, and creative work environment with incredibly talented colleagues and a strong sense of camaraderie.
  • Work on real life projects, for exciting startups, scaleups, corporates and NGO's.
  • A workplace with an entrepreneurial culture, where the path from idea to action is small and the possibility of responsibility is great.
  • A newly renovated office in the heart of Copenhagen K, offering both quiet spaces for focused work and areas to unwind, whether it’s playing foosball, Smash Bros on our Nintendo Switch, or enjoying a cup of barista-quality coffee.
  • Delicious lunches (with vegetarian and vegan options if desired), a well-stocked snack drawer, beverages, and gourmet coffee.
  • Friday bars, parties, and social gatherings—we all enjoy toasting with a beer or celebrating a new project with some bubbly.
  • 6-8 times a year, we set aside a full day where we don’t work on client projects, but instead hold an unconference, focusing on learning and exploring new tools and technologies together.
  • A dedicated internship mentor
  • Internship salary corresponding to SU (or unpaid if part of a study programme with an unpaid internship period).

If you wanna know more, check out and feel free to write or call. We also speak Danish.

Apply by sending a short motivated message + resume + portfolio link here on The Hub.

The last day for submission is October 27th.

You're welcome to contact Senior Digital Designer Riziki by mail (see below) if you have any questions.

For more information or questions please contact us at [email protected]

Perks and benefits
This job comes with several perks and benefits

Near public transit
Social gatherings
Free friday beers
Skill development
New tech gear
Paid holiday

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Amagerbrogade 54, 2300 København

We’re an agency that builds new digital experiences. Rooted in hacker culture, we explore the digital landscape of tomorrow through experiments, prototypes and proper digital craftwork.

We perodically offer student internships

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