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Nitor's Student Network

Nitor Energy A/S

We’re always on the lookout for talented and motivated individuals to join our team now or in the future.

If you are a student and would like to stay in the loop for future job openings, you can register your information and upload your CV in our Student Network, and we will save it for future reference. We encourage you to register, regardless of whether you are looking for a job right now or later.

By joining Nitor’s Student Network you will furthermore receive information about upcoming student events on a continuous basis.

At Nitor, we are guided by four core values, and we are seeking like-minded candidates who resonate with these values:

  • Execution mindset
  • Strong team spirit
  • Best idea wins
  • Always strive to improve

Can you nod yes to all of the above? Simply submit your information, and we’ll reach out to you if a relevant opportunity arises.

About Nitor
Nitor is a fast-growing energy trading company, that has swiftly transitioned from start-up to scale-up within just a few years. We’re experiencing rapid growth, offering limitless opportunities for learning and development. We’re proud of who we are and excited about what we’re building for the future together. Our employees thrive on challenges and are motivated by the potential that lies ahead.

Our unique culture integrates traders, coders, and analysts into independent teams, creating a holistic approach for collective success. We believe in a harmonious work-life balance, cultivating a playful atmosphere that empowers our employees to shine in every aspect.

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Nitor Energy A/S

Main office: Klosterport 4X, 4, 8000 Aarhus C

At Nitor, we trade in energy and thus help to balance the markets by moving energy to where it is needed at any given time. And since the markets constantly change, and no two days are the same, our core competence is to adapt to these changes. As individuals and as a company. In constant motion. And in constant change.

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