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Student job – Junior Frontend Developer


We’re looking for a talented student who wants to work in Newtec’s Web Services Department.
Ideally you are in your second year or higher of an undergraduate program in Software Engineering, Information Technology, or Computer Science.

In our Web Services Department, we are responsible for monitoring all Newtec machines, collecting data, analyzing them and presenting reports to our users.

Newtec is a leading manufacturer of weighing, packaging and sorting machinery primarily for the fruit and vegetable industry. With more than 25,000 successful installations over the last 49 years, we have delivered intelligent solutions to more than 50 countries.

Would you like to join our team? Here’s what we’re looking for:

Required Skills & Experience:

    • React: Competent
    • React Native: Competent
    • Lit HTML: Novice
    • Git: Competent
    • Must be comfortable communicating in English
    • Mobile application development (React Native):
      • Maintain and update our existing Android application
      • Extend deployment of the application to iOS
    • Development of machine GUI using Lit HTML
    • Development of an in-house software using React
      Please send us your CV and recent transcripts. And instead of writing us a long (perhaps ChatGPT) application, we would rather have you tell us a bit about yourself, what you love working with and why this position could be awesome for you.

      We can’t wait to hear from you.

    Såfremt du har spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte

    Louise Sandkvist
    Tlf.: 23397751


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    Main office: Stærmosegårdsvej 18, 5230 Odense M

    Newtec er en af verdens førende producenter af veje-, pakke- og sorteremaskiner, og har i løbet af de sidste 40 år leveret over 20.000 anlæg globalt. Newtec har specialiseret sig i kundetilpassede løsninger og som et resultat af dette bruges vores løsninger til f.eks. grøntsager, gulerødder, kartofler, fisk, rejer, trækul, plastikfittings, chokolade osv. Newtec har ca. 50 forhandlere fordelt over hele verden, og hovedparten af omsætningen er eksport.

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