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Data Scientist for EU Health Project - fully funded PhD position

Region Syddanmark

Data Scientist for EU Health Project - fully funded PhD position

Fully funded PhD position for a data scientist for EU Health Project – Prevention of Chronic Disease and Development of Prediction Models at the Oncology Department, Vejle Hospital & Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark.
We are looking for a dedicated and research-oriented PhD student to participate in an exciting EU-funded health project focused on preventing chronic diseases through advanced prediction models based on health data. The PhD project is anchored in the Oncology Department at Vejle Hospital, where you will work in an innovative research environment with other researchers closely connected to clinical practice. If you have a strong background in data science and an interest in applying your skills to improve public health, this PhD position is for you! Vejle Hospital is a specialist hospital in cancer and public health diseases.

About the Project:
The PhD project is part of a larger EU-funded research initiative aimed at developing and implementing prediction models for the prevention of chronic diseases, including cancer. By analyzing large volumes of health data, including registry data, the project will contribute to early detection and preventive measures, which can improve patients' quality of life and reduce the burden of chronic diseases on society. The project is based in the Oncology Department at Vejle Hospital, providing a unique opportunity to closely link research with clinical practice.

We Offer:

  • You are offered a research education at the highest international level.
  • You will be associated to the Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark.
  • A fully funded PhD position in an exciting and dynamic research environment focused on health data and prediction models.
  • Thorough supervision and the opportunity to learn how to design research questions, manage databases, compile results, and present the research in both Danish and English, both domestically and internationally.
  • The opportunity to contribute to important research with the potential to improve public health across Europe.
  • The possibility to influence the content of your PhD within the available framework.
  • Collaboration within a diverse team of different specialties and extensive research experience.
  • Opportunities for personal and professional development through courses, conferences, and networking with national and international research communities.
  • Flexible working conditions and the possibility to work in an inspiring environment with a high degree of freedom.

Your Responsibilities:

  • Conduct advanced research in data analysis and the development of prediction models focusing on chronic disease prevention.
  • Develop, train, and validate machine learning algorithms and statistical models using tabular data, to predict the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Analyze large and complex datasets from national health registries in collaboration with clinicians and other researchers.
  • Disseminate research findings through scientific publications, conferences, and interdisciplinary collaborations at both national and international levels.
  • Work closely with a multidisciplinary team of researchers, physicians, and data analysts at Vejle and Kolding Hospital, as well as partners from other EU countries.
  • Ensure that research adheres to ethical guidelines and current data protection legislation.


  • A master’s degree in computer science, statistics, engineering, bioinformatics, or a related discipline
  • Experience with data analysis, machine learning, and statistical modeling, preferably in the health sector.
  • Programming skills in Python, with practical experience using essential data science libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, among others. Familiarity with or experience in health registries and registry data is an advantage.
  • Strong communication skills in both Danish and English, with the ability to present research findings to diverse audiences.
  • Ability to work independently, as well as good collaboration skills in a research environment.
  • We encourage all interested candidates regardless of age, gender, race, religion, or ethnicity to apply for the position.
  • In case You find working with data analysis very interesting but might not fulfill all the above criteria, we still encourage you to apply for the position or to contact us to hear more.

Job start: By agreement.


Use the application form and submit your application, CV, diplomas, and a brief description of your research interests.

For more information about the position or the PhD project, contact senior physician Claus Lohman Brasen at tel: 79406955 / or data scientist Ricco Noel Hansen Flyckt at tel: 79405292 / .

Afdeling: Røntgenafdelinger

Stillingsbetegnelse: Ph.d stilling

Arbejdstid: 37

Arbejdssted: Vejle

Ansøgningsfrist: 03-03-2025

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Application deadline 03 March 2025
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Region Syddanmark

Main office: Damhaven 12, 7100 Vejle

Region Syddanmarks hovedopgave er at drive det syddanske sygehusvæsen, psykiatriske og sociale institutioner og skabe vækst og gode rammer for vores borgere og erhvervslivet. Selvom størstedelen af medarbejderne arbejder i hvide kitler på sygehusene, har vi mange spændende stillinger inden for IT, planlægning, indkøb, jura, statistik, HR, geologi og meget mere. Vi ansætter både erfarne medarbejdere, nyuddannede og studerende. Vi har fx gavn af den nyeste viden, for at vi kan udvikle os. Derfor samarbejder vi med studerende på en lang række områder – fx i form af praktikpladser, studiejobs eller projektskrivning.

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