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Carlsberg Foundation Humanities PhD Fellowship

Aalborg Universitet (AAU)

Carlsberg Foundation Humanities PhD Fellowship

At the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, a fully funded Humanities PhD fellowship is available from 1 October 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, in collaboration with the Carlsberg Foundation, invites applications for a Humanities PhD Fellowship. The PhD Fellowship must involve a basic research project within humanities and is available in all humanities fields and areas of research at the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities.

The PhD Fellowship will be associated with one of the following PhD programs under the Doctoral school of the Social Sciences and Humanities:

-Communication and Psychology:

-Culture and Learning:

-Politics and Society(historical research):

Humanistic research at the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities:

Department of Communication and Psychology:

Department of Culture and Learning:

Department of Politics and Society(historical research):

The PhD fellow will be associated with the relevant research group at campus Aalborg.

Qualification requirements

PhD fellowships are normally for a period of 3 years. The PhD fellowship will be allocated to individuals who hold a Masters degree, preferably from a Danish university, within the field of humanities or expect to have obtained a Masters degree within the field of humanities before the employment date(Statement from thesis supervisor, verified transcripts, thesis contract and documentation of the date of the exam must be enclosed). According to the PhD Order, the PhD study comprises among other requirements: Participation in active research environments, including stays at other, mainly foreign, research institutions, private research enterprises etc.

General information

It is a prerequisite for allocation of the stipend that the candidate will be enrolled as a PhD student at Doctoral School of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, in accordance with the regulations of Ministerial Order No. 1039 of 27 August 2013(PhD Order).

Please visit the website of the doctoral school for further information on the PhD programme, application procedure, and admission requirements.

The application must include the following and be written in English or Danish

  • Application for enrolment
  • Copy of diplomas/transcripts
  • Curriculum vitae(CV)
  • Project description(max 10 pages) including an abstract of maximum 250 words
  • List of written work(optional)
  • Sample of written work, e.g. Master´s thesis(optional)
  • Applicants WHO are planning to complete a doctoral thesis in English and who do not have English as a first language or WHO have not completed an English language-based Master's programme(or an equivalent educational achievement in English) shall provide documentation that they have passed one of the following official tests with the respective minimum score: IELTS(band score): 7, TOEFL(paper-based): 600, TOEFL(internet-based): 100. The language test must be no more than five years old at the time of the application.

Shortlisting will be applied. This means that subsequent to the deadline for applications the PhD Study Director supported by the assessment committee will select candidates for assessment. All applicants will be informed whether they will be assessed or not.

The application can only be submitted by using the link on AAU’s job-portal other online job portals that may have reposted the position). Please note that zipped files are not supported by the recruitment system, please upload only Word or PDF files.


For further information on the PhD programs and the PhD Fellowship, please contact PhD Study Director Anette Therkelsen, email: [email protected]

For general information about the application process etc., please contact Lene Møller, AAU PhD, e-mail: [email protected]

Løn og ansættelsesvilkår
Appointment and salary as a PhD fellow are according to the current Ministry of Finance Circular on the Collective Agreement for Academics in Denmark, Appendix 5, regarding PhD fellows, and with the current Circular on the employment structure at Danish Universities. AAU wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background or belief. PBL(Problem Based Learning) is a significant foundation for Aalborg University's collaboration with the surrounding community. PBL is the university's core value and one of the methods for increased interdisciplinary collaboration, expanded digitzation, stronger graduate employability, heightened focus on entrepreneurship, as well as increased quality and internationalization.


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Application deadline 15 April 2025
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Aalborg Universitet (AAU)

Main office: Fredrik Bajers Vej 7K, 9100 Aalborg

AAU’s uddannelser og forskning er problem- og projektbaseret og har fokus på det tværdisciplinære. Gennem samarbejde mellem forskere, studerende og offentlige og private virksomheder udbyder vi virkelighedsnære uddannelser og skaber forskningsresultater i verdensklasse. På AAU tror vi på, at viden kan og skal forandre verden. Derfor er AAU et universitet med ambitioner, der rækker langt udenfor murene og ind i kernen af de mest presserende globale og lokale brændpunkter.

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