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Student helper for the Capacitor Group at SDU Centre for Industrial Electronics

Syddansk Universitet (SDU)

The Capacitor Group in the SDU Centre for Industrial Electronics is seeking a self-motivated student worker who will join our team in Sønderborg working on the development of novel dielectric materials and fabrication techniques.

The position is a part-time position (10 hours pr week) from 15.04.2025-30.06.2026

The position requires a student who is available to work in our laboratories for 10 hours per week on a range of tasks, including the preparation of chemical formulations, device fabrication, and measuring the fabricated devices.

The ideal candidate will be reliable, eager to learn, and have good familiarity with standard capacitor characterisation techniques (particularly LCR measurements, impedance analysis, and breakdown testing).

The role will include working with voltages up to 1.5 kV DC, so candidates must have completed an approved electrical safety course. A successful candidate will be required to work in environments that have chemical hazards specific to pregnant and breastfeeding people.”

For further information about the position and the application procedure, please contact: William Greenbank, Assistant Professor, phone no: +45 6550 1667 e-mail: [email protected]

Please note, the selected candidate as Student Assistant or Academic Supervisor must be enrolled as student at SDU.

Employment shall take place in accordance with the framework agreement between the Ministry of Finance and SUL (National Union for Student Teachers in Government Service).

In case you have not yet had an examination at SDU, the enrollment confirmation instead of the exam transcript must be annexed your application.

Application must include cover letter, CV and transcript of grades. All documents in connection with the application should not contain CPR number (civil registration number) – in that case, the CPR number must be crossed out.

Last day to submit is March 7th 2025 kl. 23:59

All attached files must be in Adobe PDF format. Cover letter and CV can contain max. 5 Mb.

We recommend that you read how to apply before you apply.

The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

About SDU
The University of Southern Denmark was established to create value for and with society. Whether our contributions come in the form of excellent research, innovative solutions, education or learning, we must make a positive difference to society and contribute to a sustainable future. We do this by cultivating talents and creating the best environments for research and learning. It is therefore crucial that SDU retains, develops and recruits talent. At the same time, we need to ensure consistently high quality in all our activities – and we can only do that with the right people. The University’s researchers, lecturers, students, managers and technical/administrative staff are the foundation of our success

Placering: Sønderborg, Denmark

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Application deadline 07 March 2025
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Syddansk Universitet (SDU)

Main office: Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M

SDU åbnede dørene for de første studerende i Odense i september 1966, og siden da er det gået stærkt. Vi har nu fem fakulteter med omkring 30.000 studerende, heraf mere end 15 % fra udlandet, og knap 4.000 ansatte fordelt på hovedcampus i Odense samt regionale campusser i Slagelse, Kolding, Esbjerg og Sønderborg og København.

We perodically offer student internships

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