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A computational postdoc position is open at the Danish Cancer Institute

Kræftens Bekæmpelse

Who are we?
Our research group comprises a diverse, international and collaborative team that investigates how dysregulation of cellular homeostasis contributes to disease. In doing so, we seek in-depth molecular understanding of cellular stress-response mechanisms, combining the areas of autophagy, proteotoxicity and RNA biology. Through our work we bridge fundamental, mechanistic discoveries in cell biology to relevant validations in mouse models, with the aim of exploiting our knowledge for development of new therapeutic opportunities in the clinic.

The place of employment is the Danish Cancer Institute (DCI), an international research centre that is committed to leading the way in cancer research. As an integral part of the Danish Cancer Society, we are working to reduce cancer risks, advance early diagnostics, develop novel therapeutic solutions, and improve patients’ lives. We function as a cross-collaborative, international cancer research institute with an interdisciplinary and translational agenda, based on excellent research within basic biology and epidemiology. DCI features 23 research groups and a range of core facilities.

About the position
The Frankel group is seeking a driven, curious and ambitious computational postdoc to join us at the Danish Cancer Institute. The postdoc will be responsible for establishing and driving our new bioinformatics platform to perform analysis of subcellular RNA sequencing data. Key tasks will include motif searching, RNA structure analysis, transcript isoform identification, and integration with other multi-omics datasets. The role will also involve developing computational pipelines, optimising data processing workflows, and contributing to the interpretation of biological insights derived from the analyses. Within the group we value a cooperative and friendly atmosphere, and the successful candidate will work in close collaboration with other group members as well as with a network of national and international collaborators.

Your profile and qualifications
We are looking for a highly motivated and hardworking postdoc candidate with the following qualifications and experience:

  • A PhD degree from a relevant field including bioinformatics, computational biology, biostatistics or similar.
  • Experience in analysing and interpreting large omics datasets (e.g., RNA-Seq, proteomics, metabolomics) with demonstrable proficiency in R and/or Python for data manipulation, analysis and visualisation.
  • Experience with the Linux/Unix environment, command lines and shell scripting.
  • User experience with high-performance computing (cloud or cluster).
  • Knowledge of post-transcriptional RNA regulation, RNA folding, RNA motif analysis and RNA-protein interaction algorithms is an advantage.
  • Some experience within molecular and cellular biology and/or wet-lab skills is an advantage.
  • Good interpersonal skills with a collaborative and inclusive mindset.
  • Willingness to work both independently and as an integral part of a team in an international academic setting.
  • Proficient communication skills in English both written and spoken.

Under special circumstances, we may consider applicants with a master’s degree and at least two years of relevant working experience, to be hired as research assistant instead.

We offer
We offer creative and stimulating working conditions in a dynamic international research environment with an inclusive and collaborative working culture. Our laboratories are equipped with modern interior and state-of-the-art technology, located in a pleasant and beautiful area near central Copenhagen. You will join a stimulating working atmosphere, with weekly seminars, invited speakers, a young researcher association, as well as strong administrative and technical support. We offer several benefits for the personnel, such as an excellent canteen, a daily selection of free fruit, and sport activities. Working hours are of course smoke-free. The everyday working language in the team is English.

Terms of salary and employment
We offer a fully-funded 2-year contract with the possibility for extension. Salary and pension will be according to the current agreement between the Danish Cancer Society and the relevant trade union. The starting date is 1st June 2025 or later by agreement.

Additional information
More information can be obtained directly from group leader Lisa Frankel, email: [email protected].
See a description of the group here.

The deadline for application is 1st April 2025.

The application should be written in English and must be submitted electronically through via the link 'Apply for position'. Applications cannot be submitted by email.

The application should contain:

  • Letter of motivation including specific reasons and qualifications for applying for this position (max 1 page)
  • Curriculum vitae including a publication list and contact information for 3 references
  • A copy of the PhD diploma (if not yet received, please include documentation of expected completion date)


Lokation: Hovedstaden

Application deadline: 01 Apr 2025

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Application deadline 01 April 2025
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Kræftens Bekæmpelse

Main office: Strandboulevarden 49, 2100 København Ø

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Workplace has right now 350 employees with higher educational background. In last periode they hired 20 candidates and 40 students and interns.

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