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Circular Economy - Digital Marketing

Circular Innovation Lab ApS

Circular Innovation Lab ApS Remote InternshipFull-time

Salary Unpaid

What is Circular Innovation Lab ?
Circular Innovation Lab is a danish think tank focused on connecting, collaborating and creating exciting circular economy solutions, with emerging stakeholders, to accelerate the transition towards a circular economy. Our founders are former experts from the United Nations and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, who have the vision of spreading the circular economy movement, through our circular economy solutions

We are experts in developing strategies to implement circular economy-based solutions and offer consulting, training, tools and technical assistance for governments, businesses and cities. We believe in an interdisciplinary approach in addressing the challenges that exist when it comes to implementation and scale up of the circular economy. We have specific expertise in National Circular Economy Roadmaps, plastics, textiles, agriculture, vehicle manufacturing, cement, electronics, material efficiency, circular economy and climate change.

At the internship you will have the chance to work on the following projects :

    • Make a Social media strategy for Circular Innovation Lab;
    • Handle Instagram and Linkedin;
    • Collaborate with the whole team to set up a marketing and communications system for the think tank;
    • You will be exposed to our global circular economy projects for more information look at
    • Chance to work on World Circular Economy Forum to be held in Brazil this year
    • Be well versed in English
    • Have a lot of interest and experience in circular economy and sustainable development
    • Follow circular economy related developments globally
    • Be diligent and passionate about circular economy
    • Be very good in Canva as well as following social media guidelines
    • Great opportunity to get a bird's eye view of a European Circular economy Think Tank.
    • Global exposure, as a lot of unique challenges to work on everyday across functions.
    • Diversity of challenges and a valuable experience.
    • We are a very diverse team with current nationalities Indian, Spanish, Chilean, Danish and Portuguese.
    • Start date: Immediately
    • Duration: 6 months
    • Remuneration : Unpaid
    We expect you to :
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          Circular Innovation Lab ApS

          Main office: Porcelænshaven 26, 2000 Frederiks

          Circular Innovation Lab is a Danish think tank, based out of Copenhagen, on a mission to accelerate the global transition to a circular economy. We collaborate with national governments, UN agencies, and international organisations to create circular economy solutions that drive the transition to a circular economy forward.

          We perodically offer student internships

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