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Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke

As an intern, you will become a part of our team in Global Platform Aarhus that manages our spaces in Mejlgade 53. The focal point here is our nonprofit café, Café Mellemfolk, built on principles of volunteering, sustainability, and inclusion. We are a small office with 4 employees and around 140 volunteers.

The tasks
Your main task as intern will be to assist in the daily operations of our space as well as upcoming volunteer-led events and projects. This could be activities in relation to climate justice, food justice, or anti-discrimination. Your task may include:

  • Onboarding new volunteers through our biweekly info meetings together with our People & Culture group

For more information about the internship, you are welcome to contact project coordinator Julie Løffler at [email protected]

We are looking for an intern to start mid-August 2025 and who will be working with us until January 2026. Please apply through the application form before the 31st of March.

• The chance for you to be a part of a place you can influence and form

• Opportunity to lead projects/tasks, with mentoring from employees

• Flexible working hours

• A dynamic work environment with many different tasks

• A broad, international network of committed colleagues and employees

What we offer?
• An unpaid internship with 30 hours per week

• Is outgoing and has a team player mindset as you will be working with and meeting a lot of different people

• Experience being a volunteer yourself

• Experience with working with volunteers

• Experience with organising and coordinating events

• Structured and have organisational skills

Who are you? We are looking for someone who has/is:
• A relevant educational background – anything from business to humanities!

• Assisting our volunteer groups – everything from engaging people in the café to our political groups

• Event management, in relation to concerts, talks, debates and much more

• Financial tasks such as weekly reports, budget monitoring, and product pricing

• Depending on needs, it may include taking shifts in the café yourself

• Café operations, including ordering goods to be sold and helping find and develop new products, as well as updating our shifts schedule in the café and making sure that we have people on shift at all times

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Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke

Main office: Fælledvej 12, 2200 København N

Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke er en global sammenslutning af mennesker i over 40 lande, som styrker menneskerettigheder for at udrydde fattigdom.

We DO NOT ACCEPT unsolicited job applications.
We perodically offer student internships

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