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Student Assistant with Interest in Market Intelligence & Commercial Analyses


Are you looking for an opportunity to develop your skills within market and commercial analysis? To get practical experience with a variety of analytical tools and methods? In an informal team that supports the strategic and commercial decision-making in Nuuday, the largest telecommunications company in Denmark? Then you should read on….

Your role in generating market insights in Nuuday
Together with your 7 colleagues in the team, you will track trends and developments in our markets and business. You will be an integral part of the team that produce insights that are valued by stakeholders across the organization — from our CEO and strategy department to our commercial management and customer service teams.

Your starting point is a well-defined portfolio of responsibilities, where you will…

  • monitor, analyze and create overviews of the price development in our core markets
  • produce and distribute market and competitor insights through newsletters and analysis
  • support the team in conducting market research and analyzing data for commercial initiatives
  • contribute to the maintenance and optimization of our intelligence solutions as we transition to Power BI

As you expand your skill set and industry knowledge, you will get the chance to be involved in more complex projects, such as conducting in-depth analysis across our product areas or working with our customer data - e.g., setting up dashboards or querying data for ad-hoc analysis.

You will thrive in this role if you…

  • are curious by nature, able to constantly acquire knowledge, and interested in the work that we do
  • are keen to enhance your analytical skill set, particularly within market intelligence and analysis
  • pay close attention to details and focus on consistency in your work
  • approach tasks in a structured manner to effectively manage your workload/responsibilities
  • can organize your tasks and manage your time effectively
  • can communicate data and insights in a clear and concise manner (for instance using PowerPoint)
  • have some experience with Excel and/or Power BI and are motivated to get more practical experience

We are looking for a candidate with this background; you …

  • are most likely on your 4th semester on the bachelor part of your studies (or later) in economics, business administration, engineering, IT, statistics, social sciences or a similar field with an analytical focus
  • are fluent (or highly proficient) in Danish, both written and oral
  • are professionally proficient in English, as your role involves writing in English and communicating with English-speaking colleagues

We offer you …

  • 15-20 hours per week with flexibility around exam periods
  • a collaborative team where you and your colleagues are viewed as helpful, trustworthy, and always improving upon the status quo
  • social events throughout the year
  • employee benefits such as health insurance, accident insurance, and free mobile and broadband
  • a culture of continuous learning with opportunities for growth and development
  • an organization that values openness, collaboration, and humor
  • a diverse and inclusive workplace where different perspectives are valued

Application: It is not necessary to attach a cover letter, but please include a brief introduction in your CV about why you are applying for this position. To ensure a fair and inclusive recruitment process, we kindly ask you to refrain from adding a photo to your. Please also attach your grade transcript.

Ansøgningsfrist: 30 March 2025, but we will go through applications as soon as they arrive and expect to begin interviews from 14 March 2025 with early applicants.

Kontaktperson: For further information about the position, please contact Head of Commercial & Market Intelligence, Christian Schnohr on [email protected] or +45 2780 4040.

Arbejdssted: Teglholmsgade 1, København

Nuuday – We make sense with technology
Nuuday is a family of six strong and well-known brands that together provide innovative digital services in TV, broadband, connectivity, and telephony to private customers and businesses. YouSee, Telmore, Hiper, and eesy serve Danes across age, gender, and residence on the private market. In the business market, Nuuday serves smaller as well as large companies with TDC Erhverv and Relatel. We consist of around 3,500 employees across Denmark, distributed among 40 nationalities. As Denmark's leading digital service provider, we strive every day to use technology to create a meaningful way of life for our customers. Therefore, we are always on the lookout for the market's strongest developers, sharpest commercial people, and best creative specialists who dare to challenge and stand out. Nuuday is dedicated to promoting an inclusive culture that values diversity, and we are proud to provide equal opportunities to all. All qualified candidates will be evaluated regardless of ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, disability, or sexual orientation. Read more about how we handle your personal information here.

#LI-POST #LI-Nuuday

Teglholmsgade 1
2450 København

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Application deadline 30 March 2025
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Main office: Teglholmsgade 1, 2450 København SV

Hos Nuuday går vi forrest, når vi udvikler de services, der gør livet lidt lettere, skubber grænserne og bryder med status quo, når det er nødvendigt. Vi leverer markedsførende digitale services til størstedelen af da danske husstande og virksomheder. Sammen giver vi teknologien mening, når vi udvikler de løsninger, der giver værdi for danskerne, virksomheder og samfundet - nu og i fremtiden.

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