We have spoken to an internship manager on how to make the most of your internship in a company. The internship manager is responsible for ensuring a meaningful learning process that you can apply in your education.

We’ve shortened it into 6 pieces of advice: 

1. Have a goal

Before you begin your internship, it’s important that you set yourself a goal. What do you want out of this semester and what expectations do you have? Speak to your internship manager about what you expect, so that you can adjust accordingly. Your assigned tasks are usually described in your internship contract, giving you a record of your responsibilities, which you can later include in your resumé or attach to a future job application. 

2. Manage your time

If you want to learn as much as possible during your internship, it’s important that you are curious, motivated and willing to learn. Believe in yourself and your relevant skillset, and don’t be afraid to use it. Make sure to always stay informed with your internship manager, so that you don’t feel that you’ve been left to your own devices and you thereby lose motivation. Also remember to tell your internship manager if things aren’t going so well. There’s not a lot your host can do if you only air your concerns after the internship is over.

3. You’re there to learn

Remember to look at your internship as a learning curve. You’re not supposed to solve every task perfectly from the get-go, otherwise you would just be able to go straight to a regular job. In order to learn as much as possible, it’s important that you’re open to feedback.

4. If you have questions, ask

If you want to know more, you have to ask. Don’t hold back – ask lots of questions about tasks and procedures. It might even save you some time if you’re in doubt when it comes to one of your assignments. Even if you might feel like a guest as an intern, remember- you’re there to improve yourself. Have requirements relating to learning, the overall process and personal development. If there are no allotted evaluation meetings during your internship, ask your internship manager for a meeting midway-through, so that you can discuss your internship together.

5. Be social

Make sure to be open and to reach out. Speak to others in the compaony, so that they can also get to know you better. Everything gets a bit more fun and the time will pass quicker if you feel like a part of the business and you take part in social events. View your internship as an opportunity to make new contacts, that you can then draw on further in your career.

6. Keep a journal

Six months pass by quickly, so you should spend no more than two weeks settling in at a company. Keeping a journal can be a good idea. Make a promise to yourself that, once a week, you sit down to take notes and described what you’ve done during the week. It will also come in very handy, when you have to write your internship report.

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