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I hold an associate degree in Information Technology & Electronics, currently pursuing BSc in Manufacturing & Operations Engineering. Looking for a student position in areas where I could develop my professional skills, such as programming (knowledge in C/C#/Python), robotics, automation systems, manufacturing and operations management.

student automation production manufacturing robotics programming programmer electronics IT product development assistant innovation prototyping  

Updated 28. november 2018
My education
2016 - 2019

Anden lang videregående udd.

Aalborg Universitet

Bsc. Manufacturing and Operations Engineering

Materials and Manufacturing Processes
Automation and Robotics
Digital Manufacturing Technology
Innovation Technology and Product Development
Introduction to Probability and Applied Statistics
Organisational Theory
LEAN manufacturing
Educational area: Produktion, Logistik & Transport
Period: august 2016 - juli 2019
2014 - 2016

AP IT Network and Electronics Technology

Københavns Erhvervsakademi, Design/business

Electronics, PCB layouts, circuit design
Microprocessing, Microcontrollers, embedded software design
Configuration of routers, switches other network elements and network design
Technical Documentation & Communication
Project management
Educational area: IT
Period: august 2014 - juni 2016
My work experience
2016 - 2016


Working with ultra-low power data logger;
Testing and determining power usage of individual components within the system;
Designing new power supply unit;
Implementing the prototype and recording the results;
Work area: IT - Hardware
Period: januar 2016 - maj 2016
2011 - 2012


Online advertisement;
Remote and person to person communication;
Public presentations;
Statistics and databases;
Work area: Marketing & Reklame
Period: september 2011 - marts 2012
2008 - 2010

Audio Technician Assistant

Maintaining sound equipment, including small repairs;
Testing correct operation of speaker, amplifiers, mixers and other equipment;
Setting up sound equipment for live events, such as concerts and theater plays;
Sound-checking and live mixing including band performances;
General stage lighting techniques and setups;
DJ in independently organised events with self established crew;
Work area: Teknik
Period: september 2008 - juli 2010
My skills and abilities
automation c c# documentation electronics embedded embedded systems linux mac os management manufacturing microprocessors process processes project prototyping python rapid robotics software teamwork windows
Skills at working proficiency
english lithuanian
My preferences
Job type
Deltidsjob Studiejob Studieprojekt/speciale
Work areas
Administration Forskning & Udvikling IT - Hardware IT - Software Ledelse & Planlægning Produktion Projektledelse Teknik
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